Setting up an opinionated starter CRA professional React 17 project with must-have ReactJS libraries

A starter CRA professional React v17 project with must-have ReactJS libraries including TypeScript, SCSS, Redux, Toolkit, Material-UI, Styled Components, React Router, Jest & Enzym, Folder structure, Generate templates, ESLint, Prettier, Recoil & E2E

Eli Elad Elrom
Master React


Create-React-App (CRA) is a great starter project for React, you can be up and running quickly. It includes vanilla flavor packages and other opinionated packages. Additionally, it has an option to include templates or you can create your template.

If you building a server-side project, check the Nextjs starter project.

CRA already made some decisions for us, for example; build tools: Webpack over Rollup or Parcel. Task Runners npm scripts over gulp. CSS, JS, and Jest as the default, and so on.

After working & reviewing projects and libraries that help get the job done with React, it’s hard to stay neutral and not to form an opinion one way or another.

For example, when using the package manager what should you use: yarn or npm. When it comes to CSS preprocessors…

