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Big Impact, Big Change: Updates from My Digital Garden in September 2023

Every month I give updates on my digital garden.

React Digital Garden
3 min readSep 27, 2023


As we say goodbye to September, I wanted to inform you on some of the changes that have been done to my React Digital Garden. Every modification and improvement was made with the goal of improving the user experience and making the platform more engaging, dynamic, and efficient. Without further ado, here are this month’s four major updates:

A. Menu Mechanics Updated

My garden’s great range of information has now gotten easier to navigate! The menu mechanisms have been significantly improved to make them more intuitive. With an improved knowledge-graph experience and responsiveness, you can now easily navigate through the various parts and discover what you’re searching for.

Conceptual And Knowledge Based Grouping

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B. Knowledge Map Mechanics Added

The knowledge map is at the heart of my digital garden. This month, we expanded and restructured some nodes, ensuring that the content is interconnected in a more meaningful manner. Not only have new resources been added, but the overall layout has been reimagined to ensure that it’s easier for you to traverse through the garden and make connections between different pieces of content. The visual aesthetics have been enhanced too, giving you a holistic bird’s-eye view of the information landscape.

C. Typography and Icon Updated

Presentation matters, and we all know it. This month, special attention was given to the typography and icons used across the garden. The updated typography offers better readability and a modern feel. Every letter and word has been chosen to ensure that the content is not just accessible, but also a joy to read. The icons, on the other hand, have been revamped to be more intuitive and in line with the latest design trends, adding a splash of color and creativity to the garden.

D. 3rd Party Library Optimization and Class Component to Function Component Pass

On the technical side of things, the garden has undergone some major optimizations. Recognizing the importance of performance and smooth user experience, the third-party libraries used in the garden have been meticulously evaluated and optimized for maximum efficiency. Furthermore, in line with the React community’s shift towards functional components and hooks, the garden’s class components have been refactored to functional components. This not only reduces the codebase’s complexity but also ensures better performance and future-proofing.

