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What is new in My Digital Garden Last Month — (in Apr 2022)

Every month I give updates in my digital garden. In April, I focused mainly on drag-drop, layout design, and autocomplete features.

React Digital Garden
3 min readApr 30, 2022


SmartLayout Design With Drag And Drop

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Smart Layout Dnd (Drag and Drop) application. I used Smart Layout capability for NoCode development.

It allows users to design components with drag & drop.

  • In Design Mode, Choose Toolbar Tab;
  • Select a Component and Drag to any Container in SmartLayout Canvas.
  • When the component is dropped, the container detects the drop component and adds to itself.
  • Then you can also see in Layout Tree hierarchy,
  • Then you can select and edit the component or layout properties.

Multiple Nested Smart Layouts

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Multiple Nested Smart Layout application. I used Smart Layout capability for NoCode development.

In a Web Application, sometimes you need nested containers like;

  • a page containing a tab,
  • a tab containing a collapsible pane,
  • etc.,

If a container is a specialized component (like Tab, Collapsible), it is essential to use the nested layout model which contains another smart layout.

SmartLayout Dnd With According To Drop Position

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Smart Layout Dnd According To Drop Position application. I used Smart Layout capability for NoCode development.

In the previous examples, we don’t think about the order of the component placed. In this mini-app, SmartLayout understands drop position, and it gives a decision on where to insert. According to drop position it adds Left, Right, Bottom or Top of the other component in the container.

SmartLayout Highlight Assistance

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Smart Layout Highlight Assistance application. I used Smart Layout capability for NoCode development.

SmartLayout Drop-Highlights helps users to design layouts with a component relative. When you drag a component to other component , a highlight assistance appears. It is a red outline which wraps the relative component. So you can understand where you drop and how design mechanics works.

Ace Editor

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Basic Ace Editor for Code Editor for Web.

Ace Editor Events

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Ace Editor Events application. It allows to listen all Ace Editor Events.

Code Mirror 5

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Code Mirror 5 application. I tried AutoComplete feature of CodeMirror 5.

Code Mirror 6 (Removed…)

Here you will find a quick demonstration. This is a sample Code Mirror 6 application. Code Mirror 6 (Code mirror new version). I tried AutoComplete feature of CodeMirror 6.

Let’s continue reading 😃

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