How to choose our React training combination that suits you best — React GraphQL Academy

React GraphQL Academy
7 min readMay 4, 2020

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We’ve been training developers to use React since early 2016, and in that time we’ve become huge champions of in-person and remote code training. We provide a great range of React training combinations.

Read more about our dev training sessions and how you can combine them based on your needs and experience.

What’s the experience required?

The personal experience of each of you using JavaScript or React is different. To understand better which training you can attend, we’ve created 8 profiles of developers with different experience, which you can use as examples.

Identify yourself with one or more of these profiles, and look for your names in every training listed below.

Anna: 2 weeks of React experience, and just graduated from a 3-month learn-to-code bootcamp, but has no professional programming experience yet.

John: 2 weeks of React and 6 months of professional experience using JavaScript. He has 6 months of professional experience as a developer in total.

Peter: 2 weeks of React and 2 years of professional experience using JavaScript as a primary language. He has 2 years of total professional experience as a developer, same as JavaScript experience.

Olivia: 2 weeks of React and 6 years of professional experience as a developer using JavaScript sporadically. She uses another language on a day-to-day level — for instance, .Net, — but she also uses JavaScript from time to time.

Daniela: 1 year of React and 1 year of professional experience in her career as a developer. In this time JavaScript has been her primary language.

Julian: 3 months with React and 3 years of total professional experience (using JS as primary language).

Richard: 6 months of React and 4 years of professional experience using JavaScript as a primary language.

Laura: 1.5 years of React and 4 years of experience using JavaScript as a primary language.

Which one are you? Now you can read the details of each training below, and find your name under the training you can attend.

Upskill fast and in a short time: immersive training

The first category of training we’ll be talking about is the immersive, full-day training. It consists of two types of curriculum, Fundamentals and Advanced, that combined will result in the Bootcamp, which is a complete React Redux training. But let’s see more specifically the differences and the schedule of these training offerings.

React training Bootcamp — immersive

Who can attend? Peter (can do but it won’t be easy), Olivia (can do but it won’t be easy), Daniela (can do but it won’t be easy), Julian, Richard.

It’s a complete React JS Redux training and consists of the combination of the Fundamentals React JS training and the Advanced React JS training.

It’s a fast-paced learning program that allows you to learn React JS fast, in only one week of full-time training.

The whole curriculum is divided into 6 full-time days in which you’ll learn:

  • ES6 & ESNEXT
  • Routing and Forms
  • Redux
  • Basic Hooks
  • Advanced Hooks
  • Testing
  • React Patterns and Performance
  • Design Systems

In order to help you understand if this is the best React Js course for you, we’ve set a Remote Training Trial session that takes place on Zoom once a month. After trying, you have all the time you need to purchase the complete React Redux training.

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

React Fundamentals — immersive

Who can attend? John (can do but it won’t be easy), Peter, Olivia, Daniela.

If you don’t want to attend the full React training bootcamp at once, you can attend only the React Fundamentals training, and decide to attend the Advanced React training later on.

This training is part of the Bootcamp and will take place exactly in the same dates — last three days — and locations of the Bootcamp, together with the developers that decided to purchase the complete React training.

The training consists of 3 full-time days, from 9 am to 6 pm local time — see locations available on the training page — where you’ll learn:

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here

React Advanced — immersive

Who can attend? Laura

If you already have more experience with React JS, you can attend the Advanced React training and learn the advanced React concepts.

Like the Fundamentals, this training is also part of the Bootcamp and will take place exactly in the same dates — last 3 days — and locations of the Bootcamp, together with the developers that decided to purchase the complete React training.

The training consists of 3 full-time days, from 9 am to 6 pm local time, where you’ll learn:

  • Advanced Hooks
  • Testing
  • React Patterns and Performance
  • Design Systems

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

Stress-Free Upskill: Part-time Training

First of all, it’s important to mention that there is no difference between the curriculum of the Part-time training and the Bootcamp. What changes is the intensity and pace of learning.

The React part-time training was designed to help you upskill while keeping working on your projects. They generally consist in evening sessions, although there might be some variations now and then. This means you’d have time to review the material in-between sessions and also keep up with work and projects.

Let’s have a look at the program in detail.

Complete Part-time Bundle

As for the bootcamp, also this training is formed by the Fundamentals and the Advanced curriculum, that can also be purchased separately.

The complete training is generally structured as follows:

  • Fundamentals: 3 sessions per week of 3 hours each session for a total of 8 days
  • Advanced: 3 sessions per week of 3 hours per session if it’s in-person training, and 3 full-day Fridays if it’s Remote training. We’ll get into the remote details below.

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

Fundamentals Part-time

Who can attend? Anna (can do but it won’t be easy), John, Peter, Olivia, Daniela.

As part of the Part-time Bundle described above, this training consists typically of 2 or 3 sessions per week of 3 hours per session for a total of 8 days over a few weeks.

If it’s in-person, it takes place in the evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm local time, or on Saturdays, to allow developers to finish the workday.

Remotely, the schedule will have some variations from training to training, but you’ll find all the details on the dedicated training page.

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

Advanced Part-time

Who can attend? Richard (can do but it won’t be easy), Laura.

This is the second part of the Part-time Bundle. As for the immersive Advanced training, you’ll be learning the same React advanced concepts, only with a different schedule:

  • When in-person, the training tends to follow the Fundamentals schedule.
  • When Remote, the training typically takes place during 3 intensive Fridays, which still means you have the time to check the materials in-between sessions and work the rest of the days.

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

Remote Training

All the above-mentioned training combinations are also available in a remote solution: the sessions and curriculum won’t change, but the modality will be a live training on Zoom. This tool will allow you to interact with the coach during the live sessions and work on pair programming with other developers.

Just head on the training page you’re interested in and find the upcoming sessions labelled with Remote.

You can read more about the difference between our remote training and other online courses here.

Remote React Trial

Besides helping you understand which level of training might be best for you to start with, we believe it’s also important to try the training experience directly.

This is why we decided to set a Remote React Training Trial every month, to allow you to try and see if you’re in the right place.

The remote trial consists in the first session of any Part-time or Bootcamp React training, which is also the first session of the Fundamentals curriculum.

Check out the training page and upcoming dates here.

Corporate Team Training

We offer tailored React private training for teams. If you and your colleagues need to learn React, just ask your manager to get in touch and find out all the possibilities we can offer for in-person or remote corporate training.

Check out the corporate training page here.

Originally published at



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