Why use React with GraphQL?

Alex Lobera
React GraphQL Academy
3 min readJan 3, 2020

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The two staple courses at React GraphQL Academy are our React and GraphQL Bootcamps, and with good reason! Pairing the technologies works wonders for building digital products. Here’s why…

React and GraphQL are designed to work together so you can build declarative, performant and scalable applications. In a word, they make it easier to create great apps that are data-efficient and economic to build. There are several reasons why you should use React with GraphQL.

Both embrace declarative code and the tree data structure

GraphQL and React both harness declarative syntax, which is great news for just about everybody. With declarative, you have less code to build, which means less bugs and faster dev time, allowing you to ship products quickly.

Likewise, both React and GraphQL use the tree data structure. The UI in React is a tree, and GraphQL queries are too. Combine the tree data structure aspect with the declarative code and you have a consistent framework to work with across both GraphQL and React, thereby speeding dev time up again.

React and GraphQL are complementary

While React is a JS library concerned with the User Interface (UI), all web applications will need data at some point. Previously, data would be consumed with a REST API. However, if you have a performant UI and you want your data integration to be just as good, you’ll need something a little more powerful than a REST API.

That’s where GraphQL comes in. Consuming with a GraphQL API in React is both straightforward and quick using any of its popular clients like Apollo Client or Relay, which also help with state management and coaching. React and GraphQL work in unison to bring you a modern, performant front-end.

React and GraphQL have great dev communities

Web technologies are often only as good as the communities that support them. When you’re looking to adopt a new tech, look at the community behind it. If you do look at the community for React and GraphQL, you’ll see that the communities are huge. They have loads of experience and they’re very active and engaged with tooling the technologies. You’ll have all the support and backing you need.

React and GraphQL are powerful and efficient

If you’re a front-end engineer hoping to build a performant app quickly, React and GraphQL will be your go-to tools. You can harness them to quickly build robust and scalable apps.

On the one hand, you have React. React was engineered to be highly performant at manipulating UI. On the other hand, you have GraphQL, which is excellent at accessing heavily nested data in just one trip to the client. It’s very data efficient, and with Apollo and Relay tools available too, there are options to tailor an app to your organisation’s needs.

Learn GraphQL and React with React GraphQL Academy

If you can’t wait to bring the benefits of React and GraphQL to your organisation, we’re here to help you and your team master the fundamentals, fast. Our React and GraphQL Bootcamps train students in both the basics and advanced features of React or GraphQL over just five days. We even show students how to apply what they learn to real-world examples.

Find out more about our two bootcamps and book yours today by contacting our friendly team!

Related articles:

What is GraphQL used for? Who uses GraphQL anyway? Announcing our new GraphQL Bootcamp!

Originally published at https://reactgraphql.academy.



Alex Lobera
React GraphQL Academy

JavaScript passionate. Loves Lean, UX, and digital products that make social impact. Currently a React & GraphQL enthusiast.