Animated Transition in React Native!

Jiří Otáhal
React Native Motion
4 min readMar 21, 2018


Recently I’ve tried to get an inspiration for a next animation challenge. And here we go — created by Ivan Parfenov. I was curious if I am able to do this transition effect with React Native. You can check out a result on my expo account! Why we even need the animations like these? Read Good to great UI animation tips by Pablo Stanley.

For PLΛTES by Ivan Parfenov

We can see there is a couple of animations. Toolbar tile (show/hide), bottom bar (show/hide), move a selected item, hide all others, show detail items and maybe even more.

Timeline of animations

The hard thing about the transition is to synchronize all of those animations. We can’t really unmount the List Page and show the Detail Page because we need to wait till all animations are done. Also, I am a fan of having a clean code. Easy to maintenance. If you have ever tried to implement an animation to your project, the code usually gets messy. Full of helper variables, crazy calculations, etc. That’s why I would like to introduce react-native-motion.

An idea of react-native-motion



Jiří Otáhal
React Native Motion

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion