Lottie React Native Tutorial

Dave Hudson
React Native Training
4 min readApr 27, 2017

TLDR => Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS by AirBnb that enables you to embed highly performant JSON based Adobe AfterEffects animations into your mobile app to provide those user experience delighters.

This tutorial will walk you through how to get Lottie animations working with React Native.

First up lets see some Lottie Animations :-)

Lottie Animations

Although creating them with AfterEffects will require a designer, you can find a growing list of open source lottie animations at LottieFiles.com.

Setting Up Lottie React Native

Thanks to airbnb you can make use of these animations in your React Native app, the repo and official docs can be found at:

Unfortunately it can be difficult getting started as the docs assume a certain amount of native iOS and Android experience which isn’t necessarily the case for React Native developers. If you aren’t careful the docs can inadvertently send you down a time-consumingly wrong path.


In the installation section DO NOT be fooled into thinking you have to install the related projects “Lottie for iOS” and “Lottie for Android”. You do not and it will lead to pain!

Unless you are adding Lottie to an existing XCode project where you already use CocoaPods DO NOT follow the Podfile instructions. It will also lead to pain!

As things change it’s also worth noting the version this tutorial uses:

  • React Native 0.43.1
  • XCode 8.2.1
  • Android SDK 25
  • Lottie 1.5.3
  • Node 7.60

Throughout this tutorial I’m using Yarn but feel free to replace with NPM commands if that’s your

Ok warnings mentioned lets have a go at creating an app from scratch with Lottie animations.

Create a new React Native app

Install Lottie

Link Lottie

Manual Configuration iOS

According to the official docs the above should be enough to get things working, however, I’ve always had to configure some things manually too.

So next up open up your XCode project from the ios folder. In my case it is:


Select your app and the General settings section to see the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section. You’ll note the react-native link commands we just ran have added the following files:

  • libLottie.a
  • libLottieReactNative.a

However as mentioned this isn’t quite enough. In the Embedded Binaries section above click the + icon and add the Lottie.framework.iOS from Lottie.xcodeproj

You should now also see the Lottie.framework in your Linked Frameworks and Libraries and everything should be set up for iOS now.

Manual Configuration Android

So on to Android. As the official docs mention you will need to use Android support library version 25. If you don’t have it you will need to install it with the Android SDK manager.

The React Native CLI uses version 23 by default so as the official docs say we’ll need to open the android/app/build.gradle file and update to version 25. However, whilst the official docs say just need to update the compileSdkVersion I’ve found you need to do a little more! It’s also important to update the buildToolsVersion, targetSdkVersion, the appcompat dependency whilst also adding lottie as a dependency too.

Based on my Android SDK installation the settings I had to change are as follows:

If you are having issues a good place to look for reference is the example project in the Lottie-React-Native repo https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-react-native/blob/master/example/android/app/build.gradle

Setting up React Native Lottie Animation

For this example I’m going to use the soda loader animation from LottieFiles

Download this JSON file and save it an a folder called assets in your React Native project.

Then in your index.ios.js file copy and paste the following:

There is nothing special in this gist, we are just importing Animation from ‘lottie-react-native’ and our soda_loader.json. We the use the Animation tag to set the source as per the offical docs.

Now if you run react-native run-ios you should see a nice screen with an animation like this:

Android Bug

Now in theory the same code should work on Android too… but it doesn’t because there is a bug resolving the file path.

The work around is to copy your JSON animation to the android project folder. Create an assets folder at android/app/src/main/ and copy the soda_loader.json file from your assets directory to it.

Then change the Animation tag source to source=”soda_loader.json” to load it from the Android folder as opposed to the React Native assets folder. Full code for android:

Run react-native run-android and you should see the same animation on Android!

The full source for this example can be found at:



Dave Hudson
React Native Training

JavaScript full stack developer, I specialise in Progressive Web Apps, React & React Native. I also Scrum Master.