Let’s Build: Cryptocurrency Native Mobile App With React Native + Redux — Chapter II

Trevor-Indrek Lasn
React Native Training
6 min readOct 15, 2017


Welcome back! Here’s the chapter I.

We left off implementing the header but missing the styles. How do we implement them? As you remember from our previous chapter — we can import the StyleSheet prop from ‘react-native’. This gives us the possibility of styling our elements. A StyleSheet is an object — which contains a create() method. We pass an object which are our styles to the create() method.

Here’s the implementation. First, we import the StyleSheet. Secondly, we define our styles with StyleSheet.create() and pass our style object as n argument. Thirdly we deconstruct our props from the styles variable. And last we place style props to our elements via the style property. Hope this makes sense. Make sure you understand the concepts mentioned — make sure to read and understand the links I provided (underlined text). 😊

Fetching data from the API with Redux.

this one should be familiar. Setting Redux with RN is the same process as setting it up with React. Try to do it solo first, you will learn more this way! Here’s a guide on

