How to get HTTPS working in localhost development environment

Become a certificate authority (CA) like Let’s Encrypt, Verisign etc.. Issue yourself certificates for local development domains!

React Paths
5 min readJul 25, 2018


If you follow the steps mentioned in many blogs that tell you to create your ssl certificate. Then stop as the advice became outdated when Chrome fixed this — “Support for commonName matching in certificates”.

So, how do you remove the “your connection is not private” error in the browser when you visit a localhost domain?

Your connection is not private

3 steps to become a Certificate Authority

We will make a rootSSL certificate that will be used to sign any number of certificates for any number of local hosted domains. So open your terminal and let’s get started.

  1. Create a private key rootSSL.key

Type below text and provide a pass phrase when asked for

2. Create certificate rootSSL.pem file using private key roorSSL.key

The validity is 1024 days which you can set to any number of days and I recommend the longer the better. You will be asked a number of questions which you need to answer as shown in the screenshot below.

3. Trust the Certificate Authority CA on your local development machine

Mac / Windows / Ubuntu


Open Key chain App
Go to File > Import Items and select rootSSL.pem file to key chain and you will see it like this.

Trust the root SSL certificate on Mac

Double Click on imported file and go to trust section and change “When using this certificate:choose Trust Always.

Trust the root SSL certificate on Mac

Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)

To install root SSL certificate in Ubuntu, open your terminal and do the following.

Trust the root SSL certificate on Debian / Ubuntu

Windows 10

To install root SSL certificate in windows 10, use Microsoft Management Console(MMC)

Step 1: Click Start > Run

Step 2: Enter MMC to open Microsoft Management Console.

Step3: Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in

Step 4: Click Certificates, and select Add

Step 5: Select Computer Account, and click Next

Step 6: Select Local Computer and click Finish

Step 7: Click OK to go back to main MMC console window.

Step 8:Double-click Certificates (local computer) to expand its view.

Step 9:Right-click Certificates under Trusted Root Certification Authorities and select All Tasks then Import

Step 10:Complete the wizard to import the chain certificate. Browse to locate the chain certificate to be imported or rootSSL.pem file to import

Step 11: Select Place all certificates in the following store and select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.Click Next; then click Finish to complete the wizard.

Once the “import was successful” then you can locate your installed certificate authority in certificate pane.

Trust the root SSL certificate on Windows 10

Now you are a trusted Certificate Authority on your development machine. Follow the Step 3 on as many machines / servers that you need to. It’s a one time work for next 1024 days!

2 steps to issue Certificate for a local Domain

We assume that your local domain is “demo.localso let’s go ahead and issue our first ssl certificate!

  1. Create a private key demo.local.key

👉 NOTE WINDOWS USERS . Replace \ with ^ for multi line support in cmd.exe shell

2. Create new certificate using rootSSL certificate

👉 NOTE WINDOWS USERS . Replace \ with ^ for multi line support in cmd.exe shell

Final step — Use your SSL certificate with the server

Now you have to secure your localhost domain for which the certificate has been created. This will depend on the Webserver that you are using. But basically it means copying the demo.local.crt anddemo.local.key where your server can use them.

For example, for nginx, edit the virtual host file for demo.local and add the following:

Or For NodeJS HTTPs Server

All Green and Good now!

Restart the server and hit the domain. All should be green & good now.

For step by step “How to Use your SSL certificate with nginx, Apache or Nodejs server,” there is a 2nd post coming.

If you need any help in setting this up drop me a message at

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React Paths

A Full Stack Developer - React, ReactNative, Node, Php @ consulting.