An Influx of Refugees

Young Chung
Reaction Playbook
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2017

Equity, equality and human rights, values that are praised and constituted in Leopoldskronia. This gives faith and hope to people on the move around the globe. People see Leopoldskronia as the safe place to be so many decide that it is in their best interest to travel there. You can see refugee camps being set up everywhere and the number is only growing. The government provides shelter, food, education, and medical care to the refugees as humanitarian responsibility.

“We are not responsible for the millions of refugees. I will build a giant iron curtain to block their way in!” — Taylor Vine

You walk into a local sports bar to watch the big game when you hear someone say in a sarcastic tone, “And you wonder where all our money goes!” You look for the source of the voice and see a man in a suit. In his hand is a bottle of beer. He is slightly drunk as he points at the screen which is showcasing the new batch of arriving refugees. He shouts, “We have our own problems to deal with, these people are only a burden to us. What’s the point of letting them stay in our country anyway? They don’t pay any taxes, don’t work, and are basically just parasites. I say keep them away!” As people cheer for him, someone hands you a flyer. It says, “An iron curtain will keep us safe.”

What are you thinking?

A) “I hate knowing my money is going to be used on people that contribute nothing to our society.”

B) “I don’t like them being here. Who know’s what kind of people we are letting in? They could have had a suicidal bomb with them! I’m with Vine on this one, sometimes you just need to be ruthless.”

C) “I feel sorry for these people. They don’t deserve to be treated like this and I think we should all offer help if we can.”

D) “This guy is a joke. I’m going somewhere else.”

