An Unsafe Country

Young Chung
Reaction Playbook
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2017

While the presidential election reaches its fevered pitch, the world’s terrorists are not resting their feet either. In fact, a terrorist attack just took place in the capital last week which took 17 lives away. It wasn’t the first and it’s certainly not the last. Terrorists have been attacking places all around the world. As countries negotiate on the best way to handle the terrorist attacks, the tension becomes even greater. Taylor Vine appears strong in front of the media, claiming the safety of the country is what is most important since it concerns each and everyone of you. During a recent public debate, Vine proclaims, “We will not back down, and we will take back the power.”

“Terrorists are not rational. We have to nip them in the bud.” — Taylor Vine

When using the crowded metro to meet your friends for lunch you can’t help but overhear an aggressive conversation between two civilians. Their voices are raised as they argue about Taylor Vine’s idea to expand military power. One of them argued that if our country doesn’t invest in nuclear weapons then enlistment into the military is the only way we can defend ourselves. However, the other person demands peace for the sake of their children’s lives. You believe that the right thing to do is:

A) “We need to put our safety concerns first. If we can’t use nuclear weapons to help deter foreign threats, I think military enlistment is the best choice.”

B) “We have to defend ourselves. We can’t just let the terrorists go. More troops are definitely needed.”

C) “War is not going to solve problems. We should employ diplomatic means instead of putting people’s lives at risk.”

