Discrimination is All Around the Country

Young Chung
Reaction Playbook
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2017

As one of the most developed countries in the continent, Leopoldskronia attracts thousands of immigrants every month. The country is full of people from all around the world which brings diversity. However, racial tension is disrupting the old order and harming the interests of local Leopoldskronian. Racial conflicts are so common that they no longer make it on to the news.

“One true race is our best solution. Our people should be prioritized. Our country only belongs to us.” — Taylor Vine

You go out to get some coffee from a cafe in your neighborhood. While waiting for your drink, you hear a fight break out behind you. As you turn around you see two Leopoldskronians shoving a foreign man out the door after refusing to serve him. You stare at his back. As the barista calls out your name, you catch yourself thinking:

A) “I don’t want foreigners in my country. The two guys did nothing wrong.”

B) “I don’t know. It’s surely unethical but I’m irritated by all these foreigners who think they are the same as us.”

C) “I can’t believe what has just happened. I don’t understand why they discriminated against him. Aren’t we all born equal?”

D) “Those men need to stop. That is wrong. I want to say something.”

