Government Becomes Inefficient

Young Chung
Reaction Playbook
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2017

You start to notice that your government has made partnerships with big corporations. Each decision that is made only benefits the wealthy and burdens the poor. The parliament has been in session for weeks. Debate after debate, there are no conclusive statements.

On the way home, you notice the sharp orange posters appearing everywhere. They are on newspapers, tunnel walls, and even on the street lamps. It seems like Taylor Vine is the only thing everyone else talks about these days. A voice that says, “Kick them out!” echoes in your ears.

What do you think?

A) “It actually has a point. The current government hasn’t been doing anything good and only cares about their own interests. It would be nice to have some changes.”

B) “I’ve never been a fan of the politicians but at least someone is speaking out now.”

C) “Changes mean instability. I don’t like changes. Politicians are all the same anyway.”

D) “The economy has been fine so I have no problem with it currently.”

