Listen To Your Leaders… or Don’t

Deconstructing populist rhetoric

Brian Simonelli
Reaction Playbook
2 min readAug 2, 2017


Imagine how people speak at fancy dinners. One would expect intellectual conversation with a level of intelligence, respect, and elegance. Now, think of recent/current world leaders. How are they speaking?

The following video portrays a dinner party, where guests speak direct quotes from recent/current world leaders. As a world leader, one would expect a level of dignity and respect. However, it appears to be the exact opposite; their rhetoric is absolutely absurd.

Original Script with sources for each quote

World leaders often demand the respect of those they lead, however, respect is a two way street. Supporting and believing these leaders when they spout ridiculous and disrespectful rhetoric is practically imbecilic, for their behavior warrants no respect. To replicate this concept, we placed actors in a fancy dinner setting where one would expect intelligent dialogue and polite, appropriate interactions to occur.

Would you willingly choose any of them to be your leader?

Some people probably would… many people already have…

This is a satirical video, and should be seen as such. Some will laugh and make light of the situation portrayed in the video, but the fact people are laughing at something that is actually real gives the public an opportunity to critically analyze whether or not world leaders who choose to deliver such statements are truly fit to lead.

We’ve created a lesson plan available for you to download to recreate this kind of satirical play in your own community here:

