The Increasing Wealth Gap

Young Chung
Reaction Playbook
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2017

While browsing social media late one night, a suggested video pops up on your timeline from Taylor Vine’s campaign page. As it starts to auto-play on your screen you see the poor struggling as they fight to survive off food rations as well as images of the wealthy dining with fine wine to show off elite privilege. A message fades in that blames the current government for this deep divide in your country and claims to bring tax equality. As the video fades to black you see the reflection of your stunned face on the screen. You start to think:

A) “The government has only ever looked out for themselves and not everyone else. I’m certain Vine has a solution to close the gap and make everyone pay the same tax.”

B) “Surely making everyone pay the same tax won’t work out, the poor can already barely afford to live. The elites could easily afford the average tax which will only increase the wealth gap.”

