Looking Up⤴️ in 2022

Relina D'Silva
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2022

Appliances in 2022 kinda suck.

Appliances haven’t seen much change or product innovation in the past 70 years. Designed for American households, they have been going from country to country since the 1950’s, bringing prosperity to households. By all conventional metrics, consumer durables have been a fabulous success story, evidenced by the behemoth brands who populate this segment. In going from one market to the next, however, the engines of growth for the entire industry — their products themselves, have hardly changed. (You can read a more detailed account on our blog here)

Connected Appliances could simplify everyday things. like a smart washing machine that recognises fabrics and picks the right wash and dry cycle. A connected refrigerator that does more than cool — it creates shopping lists, alerts on expiry, recommends recipes based on what you have. A connected geyser that heats the water to the exact temperature you need, for the exact number of minutes you shower. No more jiggling shower knobs! Connected appliances drastically level up our lives and wipe away so many everyday frictions.

In 2022 there is ubiquitous internet at homes and connected appliances could transform your every day. Like mobile phones, laptops, smart TVs did for a generation — changed the way we work, communicate, discover and enjoy entertainment. Our home appliances and consumer durables could be doing the same thing. Connected appliances should exist and they should run like magic. The technology to level them up exists today. They just need to be designed and built.

That’s the premise that kickstarted the journey for us. The devices we want to build today will define the homes of tomorrow.

And we are building for young homes who imagine a new way of life. Young homes who want more, do more and get more done. We get it.

Why Up⤴️?

We kept coming back to basics.

We all want a life where everything is looking up

When we want to change, we rise up, When we want to move, we speed up. Look up, start up, gear up, pull up, level up, the list goes on.

So we are getting behind what we know, believe and love — Up⤴️

Why do we love Up⤴️ ?

It is a great expression of what’s true to us. We are optimistic about the future of the consumer durables and appliances industry. We want to be the team that gets to set new standards and level up the playing field. We wanted it to be based on attributes that we could get behind — Optimism, Empowerment, Freedom, Expression, Imagination and Responsiveness.

Up⤴️ is optimism

Up⤴️ is possibilities

Up⤴️ is Imagination

Up⤴️ is the only way to go. Up⤴️ is a war cry, a call to action and a deep desire for more. It is about acting on your imagination and in our case we use it as a verb and an adverb.

And yes, we have an emoji in our name

We are “Up⤴️”. Emoji included. That’s how we are registered and that’s the trademark we have applied for. We are likely the first company in India to add an emoji to their name, maybe even in the world.

Emojis are a way of life in 2022. We use them in lieu of words, they capture our feelings better than words can. You can express a moment, an entire story with the right emojis. Ideas and ideologies can be easily encapsulated with the right choices. And nothing quite says Up, up and beyond like Buzz Lightyear and ⤴️. So we are embracing all forms of modern media, including gifs, memes, reels, the works.

The team is looking forward to making this work and in building a Brand that really lives by the bold and vibrant ethos of this generation and the ones to come.

A Brand is a living thing, it grows and changes with time. We have spent months meeting and talking to consumers and hearing their stories using our products, their stories about food and feedback on what we’ve been doing. We are now looking forward to hearing what they have to say about our new look and vibe.

Team Up⤴️ is excited about all the things we are imagining. And we are even more excited for you to take them home, use them, live with them. And Level Up⤴️ your life for good and for better.

See you on the Up⤴️side.

