Arrays in React 16 and the necessity of keys

Kevin Scott
React Native Cafe
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2017
Aux, an npm library for allowing the return of key-less children in React 16

Over the weekend at React Boston I saw a great talk by Ben Ilegbodu where he discussed changes in the upcoming Fiber release for React 16.

A common complaint in React 15 and below has been the inability to directly return an array of elements. React traditionally has required render functions to return a single top-level parent element. This means that when returning lists, you’d have to enclose the list in a container element:

// Valid React 15
const Page = () => (
<a href="#one">One</a>
<a href="#two">Two</a>

This often leads to extraneous markup with divs that pollute the HTML. In React 16, you can return arrays of elements:

// Valid React 16, invalid React 15
const Page = () => ([
<a key="one" href="#one">One</a>
<a key="two" href="#two">Two</a>

You’ll notice each element has a unique key. From the React docs:

Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity — Lists and Keys

In practice, unique keys might look something like this:

// where href is guaranteed to be unique
const Header = ({ links }) => (
{ => (
<a key={link.href} href={link.href}>{link.label}</a>

Returning unique keys from the render method helps React identify what needs to be re-rendered. But it also adds some verbosity to the code that feels redundant; for instance, we don’t need to add keys when returning top-level elements.

In his talk, Ben highlighted a library, react-aux, that addresses this verbosity problem and removes the need to provide explicit keys:

const Root = () => {
return <Aux>
<p>Hello, World!</p>
<p>I am a demo for react-aux.</p>
// which is equivalent to the following:
const Root = () => {
const Aux = (props) => props.children;
return <Aux>
<p>Hello, World!</p>
<p>I am a demo for react-aux.</p>

Gajus Kuizinas’s package leverages the fact that you can omit unique keys for a list of elements by directly returning children from a container div.

But that makes me question: Why is it valid to return children without keys, but invalid to return a top level array without keys? I suspect the answer has something to do with providing a top-level node for the children to live under. But why do nested siblings in a regular render function not require keys as well?

If you know the answer, please leave a comment! I’m hoping to dig more into React 16 and see if I can answer this myself.

Edit (9/29/2017): Looks like the team is thinking about addressing this in the future:

In the future, we’ll likely add a special fragment syntax to JSX that doesn’t require keys. — Andrew Clark

So there you have it!

