Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers — Read a Paper

Vishal R
Read a Paper
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2020

This article is being moved to my Substack Publication. You can read the article for free here. This post will be deleted on 18th July 2022.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The need for Aspect-based Similarity

Recommender systems help people find more relevant items. One of the use cases is to help researchers find relevant papers for their work. One way to improve such models would be to use user feedback to update the model. But in cases where user feedback is sparse or unavailable, content based approaches and corresponding document similarity measures are used. Generally, Recommender system recommend a document depending on whether it is similar or dissimilar to the seed document. This similarity assessment neglects the many aspects that can make two document similar. One can even argue that similarity is an ill-defined notion unless one can say to what aspects the similarity relates. For scientific papers, similarity is often concerned with multiple facets of the presented research like methods, findings, etc. Using this, one can obtain specific tailored recommendations.


The section titles from citations are used as labels for document pairs. The sections define the aspects of similarity. A Transformer model with titles and abstracts as input is used for classification.

Methodology for classifying aspect based similarity of research papers. Source


Human annotated data for research paper recommendations is costly and usually limited to small quantities. To mitigate the data scarcity problem, researchers rely on citations as ground truth. When a citation exists between two papers, the two papers are considered to be similar. To make the similarity aspect-based, they transfer the idea to the problem of multi-label classification. As ground truth, the title of the section in which the citation from paper A (seed) to B (target) occurs as label class. The classification is multi-class because of multiple section titles and multi label because paper A can cite B in multiple sections.

Datasets Adopted

Label class distribution as extracted from citing section titles in the two datasets. Source

Data Preprocessing

The section titles are normalized (lowercase, letters-only, singular to plural) and combined sections are resolved into multiple ones (Conclusion and Future work to Conclusion; Future Work). DBLP and Semantic Scholar APIs are queried to match citation and retrieve missing information from the papers. Invalid and duplicate papers are removed. The datasets are divided into 10 classes according to their number of samples. First nine compose the most popular section titles and the tenth groups the remaining ones. The resulting class distribution is unbalanced but it reflects the true nature of the corpora.

Negative Sampling

In addition to the 10 positive classes, a new class named None was introduced that works as a negative counterpart for the positive samples in the same proportion. The None document pairs are randomly selected and are dissimilar. A random pair of papers is a negative sample when the papers do not exist as a positive pair, are not co-cited together, do no share any authors and were not published in the same venue. These samples let the model distinguish between similar and dissimilar documents.


The paper focuses on sequence pair classification with models based on Transformer architecture. It investigates six Transformer variations and an additional baseline for comparison. The titles and abstracts of research papers are used as input to the model whereby [SEP] separates the seed and target paper.

As a baseline, a bidirectional LSTM was used. SpaCy tokenizer and word vectors from fastText was used. The word vectors were pretrained on the abstracts of the ACL Anthology or CORD-19 datasets.

The transformer architectures used were:

  • BERT
  • Covid-BERT
  • SciBERT
  • RoBERTa
  • XLNet

Hyperparameters & Implementation


  • 10 epochs
  • batch size b = 8
  • learning rate = 1^(-5)
  • 2 LSTM layers with 100 Hidden size, attention
  • dropout with probability d = 0.1
  • Vanilla PyTorch

Transformer based Techniques

  • 4 training epochs
  • learning rate = 2^(-5)
  • batch size b = 8
  • Adam Optimizer

Evaluation was conducted in a stratified k-fold cross validation with k = 4. The source code and datasets are publicly available here.


Overall F1-score (with standard deviation), precision, and recall for macro and micro average of seven methods for ACL Anthology and CORD-19. SciBERT yields best results in both datasets. Source

Given the overall scores, SciBERT is the best method. All Transformers outperform the LSTM baseline in all metrics except the micro-precision on ACL Anthology. The gap between macro and micro average results is due to discrepancies between label classes.

Label Class Evaluation

Results of SciBERT on ACL Anthology and CORD-19 datasets per label class, number of samples available, F1-score, precision , and recall Source

The None has the highest F1-score with a large margin. Other shows the second best F1-score, which in a similar-dissimilar classification scenario can be interpreted as an opposite class to the None label. The remaining positive labels yield low scores, but also a lower number of samples. The lower number of samples does not necessarily correlate with low accuracy. The discrepancy in the number of samples and difficulty in uncovering latent information from aspects contribute for the decrease in some labels’ accuracy.

We also notice that F1 scores decrease on both datasets as the number of labels increases. This is due to decreasing recall. The precision increases with more labels.

Qualitative Evaluation

The predictions from SciBERT were qualitatively evaluated on ACL Anthology. For each example, SciBERT predicts whether the seed cites the target paper and in which the section the citation should occur. The predictions are then manually examined on their correctness.

Confusion matrix of selected multi-labels for SciBERT on CORD-19 (N=None, C=Conclusion, O=Other, D=Discussion, I=Introduction, R=Results) Source

Qualitative evaluation does not contradict quantitative findings. SciBERT distinguishes documents at a higher level and classifier which aspects makes them similar. The aspect based predictions allow to asses how two papers relate to each other at a semantic level.

SciBERT outperforms all other methods in the pairwise document classification. In case of the experiments in the paper, transferring generic language to a specific domain decreased the performance. A possible explanation is the narrowly defined vocabulary in ACL Anthology and CORD-19 datasets. The main research objective in this paper was to explore methods that are capable to incorporate aspect information into traditional similar-dissimilar classification. In this regard, the results were deemed promising.



Vishal R
Read a Paper

Data Scientist at Freshworks. Likes to talk about Machine Learning and plays the Harmonica. Slowly moving to Substack