Trump “a stain upon our democracy”, says AOC

In this news report relayed from the future, the current incumbent of the White House comments on the death of former President Donald J. Trump

Mark Phillips
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3 min readNov 3, 2020


Asked for her views on the death of Donald Trump (pictured), President Ocasio-Cortez said “may he rot in Hell”.

23 August, 2033 — Washington D.C: US President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has described the overnight death of former President Donald J. Trump as the final end to “the darkest chapter in our nation’s history”.

In brief remarks after opening a windfarm on the outskirts of Los Angeles which will supply enough electricity for the entire southern part of California and create several thousand permanent jobs, the 43-year-old President said Trump’s four years in the White House had been “a stain upon our democracy”.

Trump, 87, died in Moscow, where he has lived since being forced into exile following his failed attempt to hold onto the Presidency after the Joseph Biden “blue wave” of 2020.

He was granted asylum by then Russian President Vladimir Putin after fleeing the US, where a warrant remained in operation for his arrest for a range of crimes including the theft of billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money.

President Ocasio-Cortez said she had initially not believed reports of Trump’s death of unknown causes, likening them to the “fake news” Trump had labelled the media with during his term in office, but it had been independently verified by Secretary of State Ilhan Omar.

“Like tens of millions of Americans, I watched in horror the destruction inflicted upon our nation by the four year kleptocracy of Trump and his family,” said the President, who was elected in a landslide last November as the second woman to hold the office.

“He was a corrupt bully who divided our nation, incited violence and callously oversaw the deaths of more than 400,000 of his fellow citizens from COVID-19.

“But perhaps his greatest crime was his refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election, which was won by Joe Biden by the greatest majority of the popular vote in our history.

“Trump was an existential threat to our democracy, but thank God our democracy prevailed.

“Some will call on me to show some pity for Trump on his deathbed, but to that I say, may he rot in Hell.”

President Ocasio-Cortez said the death of ex-President Trump would make no difference to the ongoing pursuit of members of his family for their roles in the pilfering of billions of dollars from government accounts. To date, only his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner have been prosecuted following evidence given by Trump’s ex-wife Melania. Both Ivanka Trump and Kushner are serving life sentences in federal prisons.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez paid tribute to former President Joseph Biden, who died in office in 2022, and to his successor, Kamala Harris, who completed that term and won two more terms in her own right in 2024 and 2028.

“The death of the tyrant Trump will mean we can finally put the darkest chapter in our nation’s history behind us,” President Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Over the past 13 years we have slowly managed to rebuild our country from the devastated mess he left it in.

“Our economy, driven by investment in renewable energy, is now booming, our standing as a world leader has been restored, and hundreds of millions of our fellow citizens are benefitting from the introduction of universal public health care, the abolition of college tuition fees, and the enforcement of a mandatory minimum wage of $25 an hour.

“We are a more stable and united society than at any period in my lifetime and once again the American Dream is alive.

“We still have much work to do but I am confident that the Trump era is now well and truly behind us.”



Mark Phillips
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Writer, journalist & communicator based in Melbourne, Australia. Author of Radio City: the First 30 Years of 3RRR-FM.