Book Junkie

Tiffany Hopper
Read. Breathe. Grow.
2 min readSep 7, 2017

I’m Tiffany! I live in Oklahoma City with my little family, and I love books. I’m also obsessed with all things coffee, tea, yoga, travel, Disney and ice cream.

I will confess, I’m a little bit of a shop-a-holic, and countless times I have regretted purchasing a dress I didn’t need, home decor I have no place for and even jarred peaches in bulk amounts. But in my 24 years, I can count on ONE, singular finger the amount of times I have regretted buying a book.

When my father died, I inherited hundreds of books! Books that hold dear memories that I honestly didn’t want to let go of, but as a young 20-something with a toddler and a lifestyle that takes me from one side of the country to the other at the drop of a hat, I had to be selective in the amount of precious memories I decided to keep.

But, when the sorting was said and done, and all of the books in my own and my daughters personal libraries were accounted for, I still find myself with hundreds of books!

Why is this important? Well, I would like to read every one of these books. Or, in some cases, re-read them. And I want to invite you all on this journey with me. I’ll be taking adventures into new works of literature that I’ve never read and diving back into worlds I’ve been to many times.

There are books of all shapes, sizes and genres. And the selection will be as sporadic as my flighty brain is. We’ll be exploring science fiction, fantasy, biography, self help, philosophy, history, plays, theatre, music and everything in between.

Not everyone will enjoy every book we explore on this journey, but I promise there will be something for everyone!

With that being said, I’d like to invite you all to join me as I begin the first book of this journey.

I’ll be starting with Eligible by Curtis Sittenfield.

Eligible is a modern twist on my favorite Jane Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice. I’m super excited to tackle this novel and see some of my favorite characters in a new, even more relatable, light.

Stay tuned for my take on this modern love story!

