Alcohol: Are You Being Misled About Its Health Consequences?
What is New?
The sweeping indictment of alcohol withholds the most crucial piece of information: to what degree the health risks of alcohol apply to YOU.
Why It Matters
In the battle for your mind, alcohol advocates and opponents want to win you as their fan, not their umpire. To become the latter, you need to understand how the combatants misappropriate statistics to manipulate anxiety levels that are unsupported by evidence.
What is Next?
This article is your first exercise in Informed dissent, not necessarily with the anti-alcohol absolutists but possibly with me, a self-confessed lover of Spanish Reds. That’s the objective of a new paradigm of Responsible Reassurance that all health advocates should adopt for their health communications.
This Post’s “Aperitif”
“Even one glass of red wine at dinner is carcinogenic”
That’s what oncologist Dr Waqqas Tai proclaims on his TikTok channel [1], which attracted a million eyeballs and 15,000 followers within days.
For health advocates, spreading anxiety is cooler than giving reassurance. The former suggests competency…