Lack Of Muscle Strength: The Achilles Heel Of Healthy Life Expectancy

Health span has a new surrogate — strength span. Here is why you should pay attention and how to measure and use it.

Dr. Lutz Kraushaar
Read or Die — HQ
14 min readSep 14, 2024


A healthy and fit person having an arm-wrestling match with death — Image designed by Dr. Lutz E. Kraushaar, integrating elements of AI tool Designer ©

What is new?

Muscle strength is a surprisingly powerful predictor of health span, which is why the novel concept of strengthspan has entered the science of successful aging.

Why it matters

Muscle strength is far easier to quantify and measure than the nebulous concept of health. This is why strength can be your powerful motivator and an accurate benchmark for the effectiveness of exercise interventions.

What to do next

Learn how to measure your strengthspan and where it positions you in your age- and gender-matched reference population

The Achilles Heel

If you ever find yourself evangelizing cardio and disparaging strength exercise, you should probably question the sources of your knowledge.

I say that with a particular eye on women. They have been so unfairly sold on thinness and six-pack-abs that many chase the ideal of the girl in the magazine without noticing two facts: First, even the girl…



Dr. Lutz Kraushaar
Read or Die — HQ

PhD in Health Sciences, MSc. Exrx & Nutrition, International Author, Researcher in decelerating biological aging. Keynote Speaker and Consultant.