6 Things You Should NEVER Tell Anyone

Read it at your own risk…

Read or Die!
2 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
  1. Financial Situation:

You shouldn’t tell anyone:

  • How much money you make
  • How much property you have
  • How much debt do you have
  • Your past bankruptcies
  • It would be best if you remained more mysterious about these matters.

2. Your Dreams and Goals

People you tell this to may make fun of you. It happens like this:

  • They think your dreams are simple and easy
  • They say your goals are impossible
  • Saying these things will lower your morale and motivation

Remember people can be stupid

3. Old Relationships

People’s lives are shaped by relationships

  • What mistakes you made in your past relationships or how flirtatious you were..don’t tell anyone.
  • What you say may reach the ears of your new partner

You might have changed now and learned your lessons.

4. Your Weaknesses

Do not share these even with your closest friends whenever possible:

  • If people know your weak points, they will use them against you in the future. Please don’t give them this weapon.

5. Past Lies and Mistakes

Don’t tell people about the mistakes, failures, and mistakes you have made in your life.

  • Sharing these with others will cause great harm to your relationships.
  • It is because the people you are lying to can hear it, no matter how impossible it seems. Moreover, the people you tell these to will think you’re a liar.

6. Family Problems

You might not be ready to believe this, but you should definitely keep your family problems a secret.

You can share only if the other person is really close to you.

  • The people you tell these to have the potential to tell these problems to other people.
  • We don’t want everyone to know about problems, do we?

What do you think about this? Let me know in the comments.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.