Essay / Opinion
A Community that Cares 🤗
Free breakfast and lunch are provided to students 🥣
There are times I get fed up with this little town I live in, but today I am a proud resident.
The city schools took initiative and applied for funds from the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.
Instead of wasting time deciding on something with no value, they put our children’s well-being first.
This year, despite their background or financial need, every child will be provided breakfast and lunch each day at no cost.
This eliminates the worry of children coming to school hungry, which sadly is a real problem.
It will also stop the stigma associated with poor kids, so hopefully, no one will get bullied.
It will stop the bullies from stealing young children’s lunch money.
Our schools seem to be a child’s haven.
I’ve known teachers who have purchased winter coats and shoes for their students.
It’s sad, but it’s a reality.
The school board also has a program for the summer months called the Big Blue Bus.