Alone With My Thoughts

My mind races.

Jason Gosseck
Read or Die!


(Courtesy of Canva)

It always races, but today the caffeine has put my consciousness into overdrive.

This is like any other ordinary day. I have learned to cope with the massive amount of information that jumps from synapse to synapse in my brain.

Surprisingly the circuitry hasn’t blown a fuse yet. I’d be more concerned if my brain is in a lull state than anything else. I like all of my pistons firing in sync.

I once had a doctor try to diagnose me as manic bipolar, until he realized that my body processes large amounts of food. If I don’t consume large quantities, my body and mind eats itself.

Long story short, at one time I was put on a diet for some testing.

My brain went haywire. I became agitated. My energy levels skyrocketed. I couldn’t focus, and I started having emotional breakage.

My blood sugar levels plummeted, and I started raving like a lunatic. My tests came back and it did not look good. They thought behavioral meds would balance me.

All that I really needed was a home-cooked meal.

I ate. I took more tests, and they suggested I exercise even more to balance my energy levels.

Some might think that I might suffer from a form of ADHD, or maybe I am bipolar. Who…



Jason Gosseck
Read or Die!

reading, writing, changing the world, or at least trying