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Are you ready to enter the Fifth Dimension?

Rodrigo Peralta
Read or Die!


Many coaches, lecturers, gurus, spiritual teachers, etc., have been talking to us for some time about the Fifth Dimension. To get into context, we will say that we currently live in the Third Dimension, which means that we perceive and interact with the world around us from a three-dimensional framework that has length, width and height.
The Fourth Dimension refers to the astral field: It says that we can all leave our third-dimensional body and access our astral body by consciously visiting it through astral projection, meditation, near-death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means. There are individuals trained in using the astral vehicle and can separate their consciousness from the physical body at will.
The prophecy of the Mayan calendar comes to mind, which assured that on December 21th, 2012, the world would end in an apocalyptic way. From this perspective, it is worth remembering that these dates coincide with the beginning of what many call “The Age of Aquarius,” representing a change beyond technological innovations at all levels. It was marked mainly by two significant events: The arrival of man to the Moon (it changed the way we see ourselves and how we see our home, the planet Earth, since that time) and the discovery and detail of what constitutes the human genome, which It is the DNA sequence contained in the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of each human cell (and the list, one by one, of the more than three billion bases that make up the human genome).
It is said that the Age of Aquarius is the one in which all the great mysteries that have worried us as a human race from the beginning will be revealed (well, Homo Sapiens has only 300,000 years on Earth, which are few compared to the 4,500 million of years of planet Earth and what can we say about the 13.8 billion years of age of the Universe (although it seems that the James Webb space telescope will soon give us a new, older version of the origin of everything).
In this context, we are witnessing an exaggeratedly large increase in the Earth’s vibrations, also called “The Heartbeat of the Earth” or, more specifically, the Schumann Resonance. This is not only causing physical discomfort, strange dreams or changes in the perception of time, but to raise our vibrations as human beings now, we must experience a Spiritual Awakening. This is how we reach the Fifth Dimension, which implies an even greater expansion of consciousness that is related to the perception that everything is one. We are all part of the whole. We are made up of the same particles with which the Universe was created. At this precise moment, being in the Third Dimension, we can perceive (if we want) what is happening in the Fifth Dimension. We find the purpose of our existence, life becomes an adventure of growth and learning, there is no longer good or bad, right or wrong, mine or yours. There is a higher reason for all things and every experience has meaning. Here time and space as we know it is transcended and we gain a deeper understanding of reality. We have the ability to see beyond the physical and access higher planes of consciousness. Spiritual growth and personal transformation are part of this process. Usually, people reach the stage of spiritual growth after having had a very sad or traumatic experience, discarding that system of beliefs that no longer serve and only beginning to look for the answers within oneself. But I tell you that it is not necessary; listening to the testimony of those of us who have already gone through it, of those of us who once hit rock bottom, you can save yourself many years of suffering.
I invite you to investigate Quantum Physics, which is an study of the tiniest particles, those that can only be seen through very powerful microscopes (protons, electrons, neutrons) and that explains and demonstrates how things happen in the Fifth Dimension. These particles change when they interact with other particles and above all they change when they are observed (just by looking at them, we can change reality). In Quantum Physics, two plus two is not only four, there are infinite possible answers, there is no up and down, the same particle can be in different places at the same time, there is no yesterday, today and tomorrow; past, present and future occur at the same time; All of this will be “daily bread” in the Fifth Dimension.
So, how can we prepare to enter the Fifth Dimension if we already have it around the corner?
As we are body, mind and spirit; We can start with what we already know, but for different reasons we do not do:
Body: Eat healthy, no red meat, no refined flour, no sugar, yes vegetables, yes fruits.
Mind: We have more than 50,000 thoughts a day, the vast majority are negative thoughts, 90% of all the things we worry about never happen. So, let’s only welcome the good, positive thoughts and those that don’t serve us, let’s just let them pass.
Spirit: Let us now improve our conscious contact with God, Allah, Yahweh, Khrisna, Jehovah, Vishnu, Buddha, Universe, Higher Power or whatever you want to call it.
What are people like who are already in the Fifth Dimension? — I give you some characteristics that I heard in a Lain Garcia video:
*They understand that the solution to their problems is within them, never outside. They have stopped waiting for someone to come and solve their problems, they understand that they are Gods, co-creators of their reality and that they have that solution in their hands.
*They have a greater connection with nature, they love animals and plants, they understand that all living beings come from the same place in a different state of evolution.They understand that everything is connected, we are all one. If we hurt another, we are doing it to ourselves and the good that happens to others is also good for us.
*They feel uncomfortable with the people they previously interacted with, they no longer participate in their conversations, they seem superficial to them.
*Priorities in life are changing, they are not waiting to have something to be happy. They are happy now with what they have but this creates a conflict with themselves, especially with interpersonal relationships.
*They understand that their happiness is 100% solely their responsibility. Happiness has nothing to do with anything external. It has to do with their mental state, with your emotional state, with their connection with God or whatever you want to call it.
*They begin to be interested in other things and begin to hate situations that no longer fit with them (you become the lost sheep in your group of friends and your family, you become the “strange one”), because now you work on forgiveness, in gratitude, in mercy, in connecting with the All
You prefer to talk about the purpose of life, the evolution of the world we live in, the awakening of consciousness; that the best way to attract everything you want is to be happy here and now.
*They are people who love solitude, you no longer need to be surrounded by friends or always looking to have people around.
They prefer to be in contact with nature, meditating, reflecting, investigating within themselves, seeking the truths of life, observing creation.
*When a problem comes, they are no longer afraid, but they embrace it because they know that with that problem comes an opportunity that will surely leave them with learning that in turn will make them stronger and wiser. That this problem is just what had to happen so that you could take a quantum leap in your life and evolve your soul.
*They do not judge others, they are not aware of what other people do because they understand that each individual is in a different process of Spiritual Awakening. They develop empathy with others, even with their enemies, we must always forgive, which does not mean that we must necessarily reestablish a toxic relationship, far from it. They understand that if someone does you wrong, it is because that someone is wrong. He is worthy of compassion. If they no longer like his way of proceeding, they don’t even look at him; but they don’t criticize it.

Finally, in the Fifth dimension, what several speakers such as Wayne Dyer, Borja Vilaseca, Marta Salvat, Enric Corbera, Eckhart Tolle, and long before Emmet Fox have been saying for several years is fulfilled: WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS GOING THROUGH AN EARTHLY EXPERIENCE. Being children of God, we were created in the image and likeness of him and as it is colloquially said “like father, like son” we then have the same attributes as our loving father:
*Omnipotent: Absolute and unlimited power — Nothing is impossible.
*Omnipresent: We can be present at the same time, everywhere.
*We have the ability to clairvoyance: Guess the future or clarify what is hidden.
*Precognition: Anticipate things that will happen in the future; it has been proven that the heart has that ability.
*Remote viewing: See people, places, and things happening on other sides of the world.
*Extraocular vision: Seeing with eyes closed (they call it the third eye) or through the pineal gland.
*Telekinesis: moving objects with the mind
*Telepathy: Being able to read our minds without having to say words.
*The manifestation of your dreams is through mental power. If you think that the final result of your dreams is happiness and peace of mind, the only way to vibrate with your dream is to be happy now as if you already had it.

