Digital Games

Believe me, you need an angry bird in your life

Angry Birds 2 and its never-ending wars between Foreman Pig, King Pig and Chef Pig with the powerful birds

Kallol Mazumdar
Read or Die!


Today I thought let me babble about my favourite game in the world, i.e., Angry Birds 2. I mean my forte is more about writing intense stuff, you need to have some fun reading as well, that’s what I guess art is for to imbibe and project happiness. Before talking about the game, here are some quick over-the-counter factuals about Angry Birds.

‘Angry Birds’ is a 2009 puzzle digital game developed by Rovio, a Finnish company. Angry Bird is a movie, series, all forms of digital art, merchandise and T-shirt prints interloped into a crazy bird empire. In 2015, Rovio brought out the Android and iOS supportable versions of the game called ‘Angry Birds 2’. Before that, it was known famously as far as digital games are concerned as Angry Birds Classics.

In 2012 a rendition of the game was launched called Rovio Classics: Angry Birds. On Feb 23, 2023, the game’s name was changed to Red’s First Flight. There are movies made on Angry Birds as well especially the first one released in 2016, and the second one in 2019, titled ‘Angry Birds Movie’ and ‘Angry Birds Movie 2’.

Sony has been working on the third one and the production started in 2021. Along with movies, cartoons of Angry Birds are also famous, in fact, the popularity of the ‘Angry Birds Toons’ series on Toons TV led to the production of a full-fledged movie. After 2016 the first Angry Bird movie was announced, just a year later in 2017 IDW Publishing put out a comic strip called ‘Angry Birds: Flight School.’ A spinoff miniseries called ‘Angry Birds Blues’ also appeared that year. GoComics, from 2017 to 2018 ran a comic strip after the first movie was released, it’s narration started from the ending of the first Angry Bird movie.

Angry Birds 2 and its bird characters

Angry Birds 2 is about birds and how they follow pigs who in turn have stolen their eggs. Every bird has a specific skill they can use to kill the pigs. I would elaborate on each bird’s efficiency in nuance, I would rank the birds on strength, complexity and agility. And, also mention common terms of the game.

How to play?

There are obviously common levels to the game, but don’t think you will be able to complete the game as Rovio updates new levels every now and then. It usually starts with normal tasks that is using the bird to strike a pig or group of pigs. You use a slingshot to take a hit at the pig and while you release the bird the way it hits the pig, or the act of hitting is the USP move of that bird. There are rooms to clear at every level, you need to kill every pig in each room and if one room remains left uncleared or multiple rooms for that matter in mid, then your life is taken. It also means you lost the game. There are 5 free lives you are provided with and if you lose all then you have to wait for a 20–30 minute time bracket to get one. It's not an issue because, in time-consuming rooms, you lose one life and come to the fourth one, you get one added automatically. I mostly play the Windows version game as I like playing with a mouse on my side.

Character and special move of each Angry Bird

Each Angry Bird is different and their strengths are also different. The way it hits wood, glass and stone is also variegated. For instance, wood is easier to hit and break, glass comes in second, and stone is the hardest. How you utilize the bird’s special move is also important. For some birds like Terence, you can take a shot and everything shatters, but with other birds, the complexity and agility change the impact exerted on the target.

Birds in strength ranked in ascending order

Credits: Rantorouamamy Deviant Art

Bubbles (extra bird)

Bubbles have to be the strongest of all, and it is not hard to use. His special move is he is small and tiny but he cuts through most materials except for huge stone slabs and then inflates himself leading to the complete decimation of the concrete structure. He sounds like a developing teen almost entering the raging age. I love to hear him chirp. He is an extra bird, so in Angry Birds 2 you have main birds and four extra birds. According to me, on an overall basis, the extra birds are more powerful. You can use only 1 extra bird in each level to play with normal competitions. But in Arena, they pre-decide the 5 birds that will battle it out so there is a chance you can get other extra birds as well. I will explain the Arena further in this piece.


Terence has to be the strongest among all the main birds. Terence is like the bodybuilder in the group, you just need to throw him and he does it all. You just need to know that he is obstructed by big concrete structures, if you launch him around a slightly thicker obstruction he will shatter everything that comes with it. Terence is the only bird with Bubbles that can clear one room at once if used correctly. I like him as he is fat and cute but also he has a very weighty and bulky deep voice. His eyes always look upwards and he often reminds me of How Elephants were used in warfare they were used to obstruct the forces. Even when the Turks infiltrated India it was their speedy horses that assisted the raids. They could manoeuvre Ellies. But Ellies are fantastic barriers if used effectively.

Leonard (extra bird)

Leonard is a Pig mudbird and due to some claim to the throne issue, he is not the leader of the pigs instead Smooth Cheeks is. The other name of Smooth Cheeks is also King Pig. Leonard is the disgusting powerful force in the Angry Birds gang. He splashes himself like disgusting green matter making the surface of anything slippery leading to the inevitable fall of a structure. The good thing about Leonard is he can be used three times. But I have seen if he is hit directly onto something he can take down everyone in one room as the filth splashes everywhere. Leonard has a beard with no neck. His teeth and smile are very cute. I like his voice as well. He often has a facial expression that does not show his rage but it's not that friendly either.

Credits: Angrybirds Wiki


Bomb is the second most powerful main bird in the gang. The impact of Bomb is very accurate but it's limited. But he can also take down everyone in a room given he is used effectively. Leonard on the other hand has a spattering effect that helps in take down pigs in wider surroundings. You just need to hit Bomb at the base and he will rock a construction just in seconds killing all the pigs on it. You can also use it to take down pigs in very non-accessible areas like someone left in mid-air. You can use the bomb and blast it mid-air to takedown the pig.

Credits: Flickrcommons


Red is actually the first bird you get. And if you know anything about the Angry Birds you might have seen him as the defacto bird in Angry Birds cover of the game. Red is a powerful bird. It can push big things even provided you use it effectively. If you push it to hit other structures it can take down every pig in the room. Whether Red is pushing it or not can be known from the fact when the red fumes envelopes him.


Silver is a female bird and she has immense strength, she has strength second to Terence and Bubbles. But Silver is the second complex bird to use. Silver somersaults and falls into structures. She is very weak against big stones to take that leap from the top. If you can use her by the side like a bull racing in a particular direction she takes down an entire structure. Also, Silver when somersaulted into mid-space between two structures and after landing the ground shakes the base of that region leading to the falling of structures. But Silver is very sophisticated to use. You need area and space to let her somersault happen. From here on the birds we will talk about are very susceptible to hits when hit even on a balloon makes them lose their ability.


Matilda is another bird, a female, and her move is dropping an egg which leads to the breaking of things. When dropped in bigger stone structures it might not break it completely. You can however drop on sides to shake the structure and break it. Matilda can also be used as a force at a 45-degree angle to hit something. In stone, it will shake it if not break it completely. After she drops an egg she moves diagonally with force. The best is to use her in a confined space maybe in between bigger stone slabs where she can drop an egg and also remain confined in it which acts as a double whammy. But like every other sophisticated bird, you need to be skilled to use her effectively. Her chirp is very womanly and she looks like a beautiful mother bird that prepares food for the gang and takes care of them.

Credits: Miguel Angel, Vecteezy


Blues power lay in cloning. It's a tiny bird-like few marbles that can be used to wreak havoc in confined bungee spaces. Leaving Blues amidst a space confined or where he can be spread around like a firecracker bursting he can clear the entire room. But regardless he has issues in penetrating thicker surfaces. And cannot be used as a literal bird for a complete takedown. He is often used as a finisher in all games.

Credits: Tcatmon

Stella (extra bird)

Stella is another bubbly female bird. Her strength lay in creating a real bubble over an area and lifting that area or moving it, this leads to the breaking of structures therefore taking down pigs. But she faces trouble in lifting heavy items, so be wary of that.


Chuck’s power is speed. He can outrun anyone and that acceleration produces an impact that can cause severe damage. However, he too is complicated to use, and it's hard to gauge his proper route, in the fast mode that he works, he always does not take the same trajectory it is often hard to depict. He is very vulnerable to wind. He cannot hit a stone at all, he is good with wood and glass, even if he hits it needs to be less thick.

Hal (extra bird)

Hal is not as weak as other birds starting from Blues. His main move is he boomerang and he works like a knife. The way for his usage is very complex. If he does not get that arch right beforehand he flies backwards not hitting the target. Due to such complexity, it is hard to use Hal effectively.

Agility and complexity of using Angry Birds

By now you know not every bird has the same ways in which they take down a pig. For example, with Terence, you just need an angle to shoot same for Bubbles and Leonard to be frank. But on the extreme ends, you have Hal that requires more than precision in getting the hit right. Silver and Matilda also pose the same issue but not as complex as Hal. But highly complex gameplay involving the birds often increases the space for agility hence these complex birds are the most agile ones of all.

Angry Birds 2 and spells

Along with birds to takedown pigs, we also have spells that take down pigs. For instance, a blizzard turns everything into ice leading to the breaking of things. There are chillies that can reach any position to take down the last remaining pig. There are ducks that are dropped mid-air and this can lead to intense damage. There is a pig inflater tool that leads to the pigs inflating or even bursting when they are low in number. The only item that guarantees complete takedown is the Mighty Eagle. It comes as a storm and moves ahead dropping everything in its way.

Angry Birds 2 gameplay modes

Now apart from the basic level clearing mode you have daily tasks. Winning it gives you treasures which have rainbow or bird-specific feathers. More feathers equals more power and also you get pearls which you can use to buy hats. You get 1 set of hats your slingshot and level scores increments.

There is an Arena where people compete points-wise. You meet random people and they will compete with you, precisely you get points for winning and lose points for losing. There is a Mighty Eagle training camp as well that prepares you for better results where your entire score is calculated you find space in the league and also be awarded a global rank and a league rank.

There is also a clan mode where you have 50-odd members who take down the pigs. There are games that need to be played in a time-constrained manner. The clan members can chat with each other and discuss the progress.


Angry Birds 2 though ages old, still has many players across the globe. I like this game and hence shared the gameplay process, birds' strength etc with you folks.

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Kallol Mazumdar
Read or Die!

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