Book Hunting on the Roadside

I got 9 books for $1.4 !!

Read or Die!
4 min readApr 1, 2024


Image by the Author

Hello my fellow book lovers!

As you all know, book prices have increased too much, at least they are not affordable if you read so many in a month.

So, today I was just passing by when I saw lots of books by the roadside, and I don’t know how I caught I glimpse of a book I’ve been wanting to read for a while, “Reclaim Your Heart — by Yasmin Mogahed”.

I had to stop by. And I when I went to take a closer look, I felt like I had found a treasure trove! Somebody had sold their entire book collection to a scrap dealer (it made me a bit angry as well, you know, how could someone sell books like scrap paper).

The Treasure Trove — Image by the author

This is the picture of the books. And you can see lots of empty spots, because I had already picked up books from there.

At the bottom right corner, you can see “The Alchemist — Paulo Coelho” and “The Da Vinci Code — Dan Brown” but I didn’t get them because I’ve already read them on Kindle.

So, in total I picked 9 books and I was charged $1.4 which is Pkr 400. He wasn’t literate so he charged me according to the ‘thickness’ of the books, just like scrap paper. Anyways, I am more than happy to have so many books to read now.

And this is how my boring day turned into a joyful one.

The books I bought today — Image by the author

1. Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed

I’ve already started reading it and it is amazing!

2. Inferno by Dan Brown

My last book of the Robert Langdon series

3. Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare

I’m excited to complete it as I had left it halfway when I read it online

4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

It was on my reading list since a long time but I was afraid of reading a classic with a genre I’ve never read

Image by the author(me) — (omg I love calling myself an “author” lol)

5. The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults by Dr. Frances E. Jensen and Amy Ellis Nutt

It is non-fiction and I’m excited to read it. I want to know more about my brain and behavior.

6. Windmills of the Gods by Sidney Sheldon

It is going to be my first time reading Sidney Sheldon but the book seems very interesting

7. The Sky is Falling by Sidney Sheldon

8. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Again, it has been on my reading list for so long but I was afraid of the difficult language. But I’m excited to give it a read now

9. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

It is a unique autobiography about life in Nazi concentration camps and I’m really excited to read it

Photo by Mareena Metsmaa on Unsplash

So, now you know why I am so excited today. My boring day turned into one of the most amazing days all of a sudden! That is why I called it a “treasure trove”.

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! — When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” ― Jane Austen

And as they say,

“Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people — people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” ― E.B. White



Read or Die!

A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing