Brandy can be very handy.

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2023
A glass of brandy. Photo by Nika Benedictova on Unsplash

Is it common knowledge that Horatio Nelson’s body was put in a barrel of brandy for the journey back to England after his death in the battle of Trafalgar?

I cannot vouch for brandy as a preservative of cadavers, but I know it can be a powerful medicine.

I can vouch for a Brandy based drink to cure upset stomachs and colds.. The drink is a mixture of Port and Brandy.

Now everyone has a bottle of port. It’s at the back of the cupboard where you keep all the stuff (look, there it is at the back.)

Now for the Brandy.

You must have some left over from Christmas. I mean, what did you light the Christmas pudding with, petrol? (Oh, you did. When did the bandages come off, and have your eyebrows and lashes grown again?)

Moving on.

Pour yourself a smallish measure of both in one glass, swish it around to mix and drink.

Now you can drink it in one go as John Wayne used to in the cowboy pictures. Or you can sip it as the men do in Downton Abbey, the posh ones, obviously.

Now you are asking me if this works, aren’t you? Well, I can provide proof.

Read on.

Some years ago, a large group of us chaps would take an annual pilgrimage to a horse racing day out.

This was organised by the landlord of our local pub, and we would all assemble in the pub at ten am for “breakfast” while waiting for our coach to arrive.

In one particular year I was suffering from a bad cold and a queasy stomach (yes, ladies’ men do suffer.) I was having second thoughts about attending the gathering. However, I had paid for the trip, so common sense prevailed.

When I entered the pub I was greeted by a friend with “Blimey, I thought you were dead”

How did you know I was sick I asked? “No”, he replied, “I thought you looked dead when you walked through the door” That’s how bad I was, and how brave I was.

However, a port and brandy was suggested as the cure all we knew it to be.

I consumed one and immediately started to feel better. To make sure I had another, and a couple (?) of more for luck. Several of my friends joined me in sympathy.

Eventually, the coach arrived, and we all set off for the races. A very good time was had by all.

So I am told.

But recollections vary.

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