Carrying Our Friends in Faith

When Jesus saw their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” — Mark 2:5

Hope Through Struggles
Read or Die!
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

In the Gospel of Mark, there’s a remarkable story that speaks volumes about the transformative power of faith, friendship, and prayer. In Mark 2:3–11 we encounter a paralyzed man whose life takes a dramatic turn because of the unwavering faith of his friends.

This story holds a profound lesson for us today — a lesson about the impact of standing in faith for our friends and the incredible results that can follow.

The crowd around Jesus was so massive that they couldn’t get through. Undeterred by the obstacle, these friends take a radical step — they remove the roof above Jesus. Through their determined efforts, they create an opening and lower the paralyzed man down to Jesus.

The persistence and creativity is a testament to their faith. Their actions speak louder than words, revealing an active and confident belief that Jesus has the power to heal. And Jesus responds not only to the faith of the paralyzed man but also to the faith of his friends.

The friends’ faith becomes a conduit for the healing and forgiveness that Jesus extends to the paralyzed man. It’s a powerful reminder that our faith can make a difference in the lives of those we care about.

Just as these friends carried their paralyzed companion to Jesus, we have the opportunity to carry our friends in faith through prayer, love, and support.

In our journey through life, we all encounter moments of paralysis — whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. It’s during these times that we need friends who will carry us to the feet of Jesus, friends whose faith acts as a catalyst for healing and restoration.

Jesus not only heals the paralyzed man physically but also addresses the doubts and debates surrounding his authority. It’s a reminder that, in our journey of faith, we may encounter skepticism and opposition.

Nevertheless, we are called to persist, just like the friends who broke through the obstacles to bring their companion to Jesus.

Let’s consider the friends in our lives who may be in need of healing — whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Let’s commit to carrying them in faith, believing that our prayers and support can make a significant impact. Like the friends in Mark 2, let’s be willing to go to great lengths to bring our loved ones to the One who can provide healing and restoration.

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our friends, family to You today,
I ask for Your healing touch — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Strengthen our faith to be a source of support, and may Your transformative power bring restoration.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Hope Through Struggles
Read or Die!

"Cancer survivors sharing hope & resilience. Inspiring triumph over adversity. Join our journey. 🌟 #SurvivorsUnite"