The Round Ball Of Life

Change in a Digital Age

Do you embrace or reject change?

Read or Die!


Change can be unsettling for many people, but it’s often necessary for personal growth and progress. This applies not only to life in general but also to the world of football.

While the game has a rich history and has remained largely unchanged for many years, there have been significant developments in recent times that have altered how football is played.

One of the most notable changes is the introduction of technology. Previously, referees had to make decisions based solely on their judgement, which sometimes led to errors.

However, with the advent of video replay (VAR), officials now have the means to ensure accurate calls. The use of VAR has resulted in a fairer game, and most fans view this as a positive change.

Another transformation is the shift in playing style. In the past, teams frequently relied on long ball tactics, launching the ball forward and hoping for favourable outcomes.

This is why, when I first started playing football, our coach had us run cross-country races to improve our fitness. He thought we would spend all of our time running after the ball.

He was not able to grasp the concept of possession-based football, which is where you actually train with the ball and not without it.

Nowadays, many teams favour a possession-based approach, prioritising ball retention and patiently waiting for opportune moments to attack. Although this style of play demands greater skill and patience, it has proven to be highly effective.

Naturally, some individuals resist these alterations. They argue that technology detracts from the human element of the sport, or that the possession-based strategy is dull.

However, as with any modification, it is crucial to give it a chance before forming an opinion. Like in life, embracing change in football may initially feel uncomfortable. But by stepping outside our comfort zones, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and can achieve greater heights.

So, when confronted with change, it is worth considering whether we are willing to endure temporary discomfort. If the answer is yes, then we should embrace the change and see where it takes us.

In doing so, we may discover that it is the best thing that ever happened to us. And who knows?

Perhaps in the future, we will look back and wonder how we managed football without video replay (VAR).

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Read or Die!

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.