Ms Black
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2023


The cover to my ebook “Cheating at Its Best” on Amazon

I know what you’re thinking. “Well, why get married if you know you’re going to cheat?”.

Simple…because I wanted to.

Flipping a coin on Marriage

Marriage was on my bucket list right next to “I want to take a helicopter ride one day”. Marriage just didn’t stick to me like everyone else. I didn’t want the marital career with the retirement plan. I wanted to try out this corner of life that seemed to be so contagious.

It’s like buying a car. You’re told you need a car to get around and it will be easier, but most people fail at learning the specifics when purchasing a vehicle.

Most people don’t bother even reading the Owner’s Manual. They breeze past the knowledge of APR percentage, whether to finance or lease, knowing how to change a tire, check the oil, when to get a tune up…etc. You can only drive one car at a time but it’s perfectly fine to have more than one car. Most people see another car they might want because it’s appealing to them, so they trade in their car that has done well for so many years for something new and up to date.

You get all excited when you’re inside the new car, playing around and learning how the car operates. Making sure you know…



Ms Black
Read or Die!

CEO of Queen Luxury Lifestyle LLC, Accomplished Amazon Author, Luxury Women's Empowerment Advocate, and Private Life Coach Inspiring Positive Transformations