
Lightening the load

Shanti C K
Read or Die!


Photo by Tamara Gore on Unsplash

I wrote this brief note to myself back on 18 June 2014 but feel the same way now.

It’s amazing how much better you feel when you spend just 10 minutes to clear a surface. Even a task as simple as emptying your drawer of receipts. If you do this every day, soon you’ll have a load off your mind.

A cluttered space makes me feel more distressed. But when my living space is orderly I feel so much calmer. A whole weight off my mind. And it doesn’t have to be a huge effort. Baby steps will do. A little bit here, a little bit there and it all adds up.

Similarly, if I just lose 1 kg it makes a huge difference to how I feel physically and mentally. I can do more without the extra weight dragging me down. My heart can relax it’s pumping and what a relief to my joints.

I am not the most disciplined person but when I get motivated and into the groove, I can be quite the machine.

I’ve shown myself that I can be pretty disciplined when I’m passionate about something. Like Medium.

Blogging this to motivate myself to be accountable and get back on the bandwagon. Often we need to be our own cheerleaders. I need to believe in myself, the way I sometimes did as a child.



Shanti C K
Read or Die!

Gen X cancer survivor. Childless by circumstance. Thankful for the little angels in my life. Navigating grief & loneliness. Keeping hope in my heart 🩵