
Giuseppe Bartoli
Read or Die!
Published in
1 min readJun 16, 2024


Photograph of the Palacio Real in Madrid by Giuseppe Bartoli.

Just because the rain
in Spain, doesn’t mainly fall
on your side of the plain

how about we learn
to stop making everything
revolve around you or me

and we just simply appreciate
how the sounds of vowels
bouncing off our eardrums —

the same way rain droplets
tiptoe across hot tin roofs
on summer grammarless afternoons —

as if forming single syllables
that together stamp their loud feet
across the quiet blank page.

Speaking of ligatures & diph-
thongs on hot summer afternoons,
just the other day

when there wasn’t a cloud in the sky
and as if out of nowhere
most of the twenty vowel sounds

began pouring down hard
pit-pet-put-pat all about
and clearly, without a care

until the dog and mouse
of the English language
decided to cut their phonetic losses

and find the home of the boy
on that plain of Spain
where without water, it somehow rains!



Giuseppe Bartoli
Read or Die!

American-Italian-Peruvian poet, ghostwriter, copywriter, politician, and journalist. Open for freelance jobs. Published 7 books; 7 more on the way.