Dirt Road Destinations

And the prize at the end

Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!


Stone/gravel road. Photo by jakeirns.

The best things in life are not easy to achieve. If I have learned anything in my almost 60 years, it’s that the best views can be found at the end of a grueling hike or climb or at the end of a long dirt road.

Dirt road. Photo by jakeirns.

Like today for example.

Potholes and ruts on a dirt road. Photo by jakeirns.

I am always asking Rich to turn down questionable roads. Sometimes they are nothing more than dirt paths, and sometimes they are covered with stone or gravel, but they almost always come full of deep potholes and ruts.

Slightly muddy dirt road. Photo by jakeirns.

Sometimes we get lost. And sometimes he has to get out and move a tree that is blocking the path ahead because it’s easier than backing up.



Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.