Do Other Guys Do This?

Just Dad
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2023
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

As I came out of the gym locker room today, a woman came out of the female locker room at the same time. I let her go ahead of me and began walking across the fitness floor toward the exit. She was following the same path. We walked across the entirety of the gym, me slightly behind her, to the lobby, out the front doors and into the parking lot. My gym is located in an area with several other stores and restaurants so the parking lot is very large, as it is shared by all the businesses. Once we exited the gym I was praying that this woman would turn and walk in the opposite direction but she continued down the same row of spots as me. Then another. THEN ANOTHER. In my mind I had been behind her way too long. It was evening, the parking lot was full but no one else was walking to their cars at that time and I felt I had to end the tension. I made a hard right turn and began walking toward the other end of the lot. Mind you my car was only about twenty feet away but it was in the same direction the woman was going and I was becoming worried she was thinking I was following her. I slowed down and waited at a safe distance until she got in her car and then pretended I was confused and realized my car was the other way.

This is not the first time I have done this. If it feels to me I have been behind a woman for too long in a parking lot or somewhere of the like, I will often slow down or stop walking all together as I worry I am making them uncomfortable. In my mind they have their hand on the concealed mace in their purse and are ready to spray me if I continue on the same path as them. That last part was a joke. I do not believe they will spray me (unless provoked). I just do not want to make another person feel uncomfortable or have to keep their guard up because there is a stranger that continues walking the same way as them.

I have never taken a Medium poll before but I will put this out to both my male and female readers (I know there aren’t a lot of you) but that’s neither here nor there.

Men: Does this resonate with you, at all? Are you ever concerned that you might be making a woman uncomfortable by walking too close? Do you take steps to ensure you keep a distance? Am I just crazy and does no one else even think this way?

Women: Do you breath a sigh of relief when the guy in the parking lot finally turns and walks a different direction? Does a guy walking a little too close put you on your guard? Is what I am saying offensive to you? I am fully aware you can take care of yourselves and to be very clear, this woman at the gym could have easily kicked my ass. I truly am just trying to make sure people around me are comfortable but perhaps even though my heart is in the right place, what I am doing is wrong?

If anyone is willing to share their thoughts, I would be appreciative.



Just Dad
Read or Die!

Writing and ranting on Medium. Always enjoy connecting with other writers! JP