Do You Believe in Perfection?

In the eye of the beholder

Katy Lin
Read or Die!
2 min read1 day ago


Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

Nothing in the world is perfect. Yet perfect is a word. Define it. Describe what it means to you and tell me the closest thing to perfect you’ve ever seen or experienced. What made it so close to perfect? Then explain to me why we have a word and understanding for something that we have never and will never see… or do you think perfection does exist? — This is what

would like us to think about.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word perfect stands for …

Image by Katy

There are plenty of definitions that follow, but I particularly like

c : corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept

Because in an ideal world the concept of being perfect is something that is without flaw. However, in reality, an ideal world is different to you and me. So, in an abstract sense, what’s perfect is a blank canvas to me while for someone else, it may contain lines and curvatures.

In my perfect second, it is being able to complete crossing the street safely on the dot, hitting that note on cue, or snagging that chance for a concert ticket online.

In a perfect minute, it is seeing the sunrise, sunset, or catching that last bus at night.

In a perfect hour,

it is watching an episode of a TV show, having that lunch break or an afternoon cup of coffee.

In a perfect day,

it’s spending time at the amusement park with friends, a hike with friends, or enjoying the day at the beach.

In a perfect week,

it is coming up with that idea, working on that assignment, or learning something new.

In a perfect month,

it is accomplishing that monthly goal, receiving that paycheck, or starting a new season.

In a perfect year,

it is adding another year of knowledge, experience and all of the things above.

How would you define it?



Katy Lin
Read or Die!

Inspiring all the goodness in life. 💌 Practicing the art of observation.