Don’t do This. Or You Will Be Hated On Medium.

At least I’m trying to warn you….

Daniel Teurtrie
Read or Die!


Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Being hated on Medium is simpler than you think it is!

I read a story about engagement on Medium and the writer was recommending to do a “this thing” that may work to get some readers but will attract hate.

People can even block you for that…

What am I talking about?

Clap jumpers:

If you are not familiar with this term, here is an explanation :

Screenshot from Author

These are people who are clapping all of your stories to get your attention.

You may say :

Did he just read all of your stories?


On average my stories are 2–3 minutes long. To read six 2 minutes stories he needs 12 minutes. But he claped everything in the same minute.

So we know they need your attention.

What for?

They are trying to attract you to their profile to make you read their stories.



Daniel Teurtrie
Read or Die!

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