❤️Education: The Gamification of the Spirit Warriors
>❤️Life Lessons: Pandemic Blues, the Relearning to Learn >
❤️Doc Dream More, Love More! > Wayne Stein, PhD >
❤️Addicted Ghost Gnosis Warriors of the Divine Knowledge
❤️Within thou pedagogical, thou methodological, and though rhetorical
praxis of fun flow, flight flow, and dream flow,
gaming, role playing, and simulations rise up
Your move!
The analysis of technical meaning of moves from
guru, super X-hero thinker scholar Sir John Swales
teaching a new axis of avenues to go down by
blessing us with the gamified gods of divinity.
new life lessons emerging, as our
gamification now rules our multiverse, now
taken eternally seriously within the
education realm of the
hungry ghost dance
Tragically, schools were shut down and
went completely virtual, the
post-humanity of the multitudes
never wanted to be online, instead,
found each facing one another, virtually
lost in space within a
mutated learning management system
a new pedagogical promise was born
gamers of the word unite.
free at last, free at last, free at last!
old school learning died,
long live learning!
❤️Help Hope Live Donate below what you can.
All the proceeds go directly to me. I am struggling and receive a disabilities check due to my medical conditions which are one of the reasons I need your help. Any thing will help. I go to the food banks, and I am alone. My medication, medical bills, eye doctor, skin doctor, and dental bills are high, and I have insurance. Only in America. Thank you! AKA Dr. Wayne Stein
❤️Thank you!
I was originally an enthusiastic gamer, a bored computer science major, a virtuous hacker, a math minor, a science lover, a cinematic scholar, and jack of many trades, master of none.
Make your move!
Check mate! Mate!
Read: ✅ Doc Samurai Sam