Self-Empowerment Process

Emotions Are Not The Baddies!

How to deal with unpleasant emotions lovingly

Carolina Cummins | Lead with Love
Read or Die!


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How to deal with unpleasant emotions. A photo of a woman looking sad while a man looking at his phone is sitting in the background.
Created on CANVA Pro by the author

So often we hear „Whatever you do, don’t listen to your emotions! They are no good, holding you up or stopping you from doing what you want. It's best to ignore them!“

Well, it looks like that they are the baddies. But that is not the whole truth!

If you’re reacting to something someone said, which makes you feel uncomfortable, are you blaming that person for your emotions?

Is that person the baddy?

Lots of people blame others, it’s a first response because they act instinctually without awareness.

That is where the problem lies! Lack of awareness.

All my life I was confronted with uncomfortable beliefs that made me feel unwanted, unloved and unworthy. The conditioning I received while growing up was a heavy burden to carry. (Conditioning is the summary of the beliefs we picked up in our childhood.)

I wanted my family to be more attentive. I wanted to feel loved. I wanted them to show me that they love me.

But they didn’t.

So what can I do?

- Telling them off is of no use. If I did that I might lose them all together.

- Demanding more attention isn’t working either. They have a different schedule, are busy and don’t need love like I did.

- Turning my back on them isn’t what I want to do because I love them and want to be in contact.

A photo of three young women walking along while laughting and having their arms around each other.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

The one thing I always do when feeling inner pain, fear or discontentment is to allow it to be there!


In the moment of emotional upset, we do not want to create more upset by fighting against other people’s behaviour.

Fighting causes more tension and upset!

Instead, we want to create more love and peace.

To do that, we need to give any emotion or feeling of discontentment our full attention. By being truly present, we will unravel the real reason for our emotional turmoil. (I will get into this further down.)

When we allow our pain to be there, it can move through us andd we no longer resist it.

Letting go and stopping the fight in itself is a huge relief.

The biggest mistake we make as soon as we feel a ‘bad’ emotion we look outside of ourselves for its cause. And we want someone else to fix it! We lack responsibility.

But our emotions are inside!

They are there for a good reason. They are there to help us resolve the old pain that has been there all our lives.

That is a good thing!

Our emotions help us to see our false or limiting beliefs that create a reality we don’t want.

They are our guidance system, they reflect the inner frequency we are emanating into our world by repeating certain unhelpful thoughts and beliefs.

Emotions are invaluable!

It doesn’t work to deny our emotions or feelings of discontent. It makes everything worse.

Suppressing or denying our pain makes it unconscious.

Imagine you could not feel your unresolved emotions. You might think “Yeah, that would be amazing!”

But you wouldn’t know what energy you are emitting. That is like looking into a mirror and nothing is there to see.

You wouldn’t know where your unconscious focus lies and what you truly believe and feel deep down.

If that was the case, you could not do anything about the uncomfortable emotion! You would be energetically blind.

Do you know how powerful our unconscious mind is?

When you drive to work on the same road every day, wash the dinner dishes as you’ve done many times before or run down the road to the local corner shop, your unconscious mind does all the actions for you.

There’s not much for you to do except stir your vehicles or guide your hands. The unconscious mind does it all on autopilot.

Your unconscious mind also reacts automatically when someone offends you.

It reacts in the same way you reacted when you were a child because that reaction is stored in the body. It will be triggered every time a similar situation occurs.

Your unconscious mind does not know if you want to keep the belief that is behind the triggering emotion. It delivers whatever you’re holding onto like a computer delivers the programming of software.

What can we do to change that?

Tell yourself that you no longer want to react and blame others for your emotions.

Make a firm decision and choose new and better ways of responding.

I am here to help you with that.

The most empowering step when you want to feel emotionally strong is to take back your response-ability!

How to feel calm when emotionally triggered. Photo of woman whose head iss sslightly turned up feeling good inside.
Image created on CANVA Pro by the author

The 3 main steps to let go of old unpleasant emotions:

I use visualization and energy work for that.

I know I need a higher frequency than the frequency of my painful emotion to transform it. I need to go beyond the low energy of my fear-based emotion telling me I am not loved.

After years of trying many different methods to release my inner pain, I developed my Soul Alignment process which I have used many times on myself and my clients.

Here’s my 3–step process:

  1. Allow whatever emotion is present. Feel it. Become fully present by tuning into it and letting whatever comes up come up.

You might see old memories or hear limiting beliefs in your mind. Whatever comes is great!

2. Now you need a way that works for you to let it go using visualisation.

I call on my Soul or Angels to help me pull out the low vibration. At the same time, I hand it over, seeing my outstretched hands holding a ball of murky light containing the old hurt that is moving out of my body. I trust that this is happening now.

3. Then I see myself moving up to the higher realm of my Soul where I raise my frequency to the level of unconditional love just by being there.

I might see Beings of Light assisting me with releasing the old pain or I feel bathed in a transformative light or I might receive an energetic gift that will help me with letting.

I don’t need to understand or know what is happening, I just allow it.

At the end, I give thanks to all the beings who helped me with moving forward.

Just yesterday I went through this process and instantly my old pain of not being loved went.

There is only calm now. I feel neutrality. I am pleased. It worked and immediately new ideas flooded in!

The belief that told me that I was not loved was holding back the connection to my true Self and blocking my innate self-love.

This work is powerful because it works on an energetic level. We know from science that everything is energy and that energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transmuted. This is what I am doing when using this process.

Emotions are not the baddies, our resistance is.

Are you ready to feel and embrace your emotions now?

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