Even My Dreams are in Reruns

Just Dad
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2023
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

I have several different recurring dreams. They all typically have to do with insecurity, fear or loss of control….real fun stuff.

DREAM 1: I am back in high school. Just the place I want to revisit. Being a 140lbs awkward teen is not a time in my life I wish to relive. Nonetheless I am at my locker and in a hurry because I have to get to my next class. However, I am just standing there turning the dial because I don’t remember the combination. At that point the dream starts becoming lucid. I realize there is no way I could know the combination, as I haven’t been in high school for twenty years. Somehow this does nothing to quell my nerves and I still stand there freaking out about missing my next class.

DREAM 2: I am married with children but somehow back in college and need to leave my family to go finish my last semester. I somehow realize that a 30-something year old should not be hitting the road to relive dorm life. I am very nervous and do not want to do but somehow feel that I must.

DREAM 3: I am slowly becoming aware that my wife is spending time with another guy, typically a coworker. There’s phone calls, emails, going out for lunches and happy hours. I attempt to confront her but she brushes me off, all the while spending more and more time with this mystery man and sending my anxiety skyrocketing.

SIDE NOTE: I have to say, this dream perplexes me. My wife and I have been together for fourteen years and have a strong marriage. There has never been any trust issues or even a hint of infidelity. I assume it’s my subconscious reminding me how good I have it. Perhaps there is a fear I will lose this great life that I have? Who knows….but it’s very unsettling.

DREAM 4: I am being chased by an unknown assailant. The harder and faster I try to run, the slower I go. I feel him gaining ground on me, closer and closer. Just as he is about to grab me, I spring awake.

DREAM 5: This dream has to do with spiders in all their various forms of creepiness. I refuse to even delve deeper than that because I know I will feel them crawling on me.

There we are Medium friends. A guided tour into my psyche.

I’d love to hear about your recurring dreams. If you dare, please drop a comment. Whether it’s walking into the cafeteria naked or your genitals being replaced by an inanimate object, please share what goes on in the dark recesses of your brain. It will help me feel less crazy.



Just Dad
Read or Die!

Writing and ranting on Medium. Always enjoy connecting with other writers! JP