Everything is Possible If You Believe

Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024

There is always a hidden possibility behind every adversity, you just need to have faith.

Image Source : Shutterstock

In our everyday lives, there are moments when we feel like giving up and doubting our abilities. We forget to see the hidden possibilities these moments bring to create something new and beautiful.

What if, if we encounter such situations, by imagining the best possible outcome. Because when we dream big, we open ourself up to new possibilities and break free from our limitations.

Sure, there might be obstacles along the way, and we might stumble and fall.

But what if we rise again? What if we succeed beyond our wildest imagination?

That’s the beauty of taking risks and believing in the possibilities. It’s like gambling where we know there’s a chance of losing but the faith in winning is so strong that we’re willing to take that leap of faith.

Belief in possibilities is often rewarded beyond our wildest dreams. It’s an invitation to keep believing in the magic of what could be. It’s what drives a farmer to sow seeds in the hope of a bountiful harvest, despite any unpredictable weather conditions. It’s what fuels the greatest discoveries and innovations in human history.

Every great discovery, every monumental achievement, it all started with someone believing in the impossible.

Despite facing failures along the way, these inventors saw the future potential of their creations. Their unshakeable belief in possibility of outcome not only changed their own reality but also transformed the world around them.

Thomas Edison even after failing 1000 times did not give up and believed in the possibility of magical outcome. It’s his persistence and perseverance that illuminated our lives.

Before smartphones, who could have imagined that we would hold a wireless device in our hands capable of connecting us to anyone, anywhere in the world? Thanks to Martin Cooper who made the whole world available at our fingertips with the discovery of smartphones.

As we continue to hold onto our beliefs and persist in our pursuits, the universe conspires to bring forth outcomes that align with our boldest visions.

The only limits that exist are the ones we impose on ourselves. So, let’s break free from those limitations and step into a world where anything is possible. After all, life’s too short to play it safe. Let’s dream big, believe in the impossible, and watch as miracles unfold before our very eyes.

The song so beautifully written and composed by Nik Day uplifts and motivates me. Must listen :

If you believe, you can move the highest mountains

Ꮯross the greatest oceans

Ꭺnd walk across the water

Ƴou can do anything if you believe



Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.