Fall is the Best Time to Start Something New

Elsbeth Thurston
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2023
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

Fall has always been my favorite season. The weather is generally more stable, it’s cool enough to enjoy the outside but no so cold it requires multiple layers (at least in Coastal Virginia). Kids are back in school, there seems to be more routine to the days, and FOOTBALL (need I say more).

I firmly believe that Fall and especially October should really be the time you look for something new or dust off that thing you wanted to do.

It’s so easy to make resolutions in January when everyone is doing it. It’s also just as easy to give up in February when the cold and dark of winter is at its peak.

Starting in the fall gives you a good three to four months before falling in to the winter humdrums. That is more than enough time to create a new habit.

What’s Important

Go back to your resolutions, is that thing you said on January 1st still important to your health or happiness? Great brush it off and get busy creating new memories and new habits. If it’s not, then I suggest taking some time to make a list. Everyone has things that are need to do, should do, or want to do eventually. Have you ever taken the time to map them out? Write them down and see what happen, then take the should or want to and put them away, let’s focus on the need to do.

Needs are:

1. Strong items that if not done could impact your health, wealth, or happiness.

2. It should be a limited list and things that you can control over the next days to months.

Is that weight loss goal important to prevent diabetes or sleep apnea? Great then make a plan and get done!

Do you really need a new line of income to support your family? Let’s prioritize getting that resume redone and submitted.

Now don’t get me wrong, the should do and want to do list aren’t discarded. If you are working on your Need and find you still have some time in your day (could you pass it my way?) then the should or want to comes in.

Sure we all should clean the fridge but is it really impacting our day to day? If it is, move that to needs and get it done. Re-evaluate your lists monthly to see if things need adjusted or removed. I often find that if it’s not on my needs list it eventually moves from should to want and then becomes unimportant all together.

I really hope you consider making fall your new favorite season. The trees do it best, they drop what they don’t need anymore in the fall, they start a new process of growth internally through the winter, and then they push that new growth and all the beauty it holds to the surface in the spring. Go be a tree!



Elsbeth Thurston
Read or Die!

I am a pharmacist, EMT, and writer currently living in Norfolk, VA. I am especially interested in informatics as well as prehospital and emergency care