Five Things Best Kept Private

Stop Oversharing These Five Things and See the Result

Kristi Makusha
Read or Die!
5 min readNov 17, 2023


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Photo by Athena on pexels

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There is a thin line between open conversation and overexposure when it comes to dealing with life’s problems. People share everything online all the time these days, so knowing what to keep private is more important than ever.

That balance between giving just enough to connect with others and keeping your inner life safe. This article talks about five important areas where privacy isn’t just a choice, it’s necessary for individual growth and safety.

We’ll talk about how keeping some parts of our lives secret can help our relationships, boost our self-esteem, and make it easier to reach our desired outcomes.

Your Problem is Becoming Alarming Because You Keep Sharing These:

Your Specific Problems

Feelings and thoughts are often deeply connected to the complexities of our daily struggles. Sharing our issues makes us vulnerable to both possible help and misunderstood unfair criticism or even abuse.

We shouldn’t keep our problems to ourselves, but this does show us how important it is to be careful about who we trust. It’s usually better to talk to professionals or find people who have always shown care and understanding.

They can give you objective and helpful advice. These people can give us a safe place to talk about our issues and be helped by listening and caring. We can deal with our problems with help that improves our health instead of hurting it if we choose our confidants carefully.

Financial Details

Discussing your income and personal finances can be a sensitive matter, often laden with implications that extend beyond mere numbers. When your financial details become common knowledge, it can alter how others perceive you, potentially leading to strained relationships or awkward social dynamics.

For instance, if people know you are doing well financially, they might expect more generous gestures or even financial support, regardless of your personal budgeting or saving goals.

Conversely, sharing struggles with money can lead to pity or unwanted advice, impacting your self-esteem and independence.

Moreover, openly discussing finances can sometimes invite unsolicited opinions or comparisons, which can be uncomfortable and unproductive.

Understanding that money is a very personal matter that is connected to one’s decisions, values, and situations is very important. Your relationships will be built on mutual respect and real connections, not money if you keep this information private.

You should talk to pros or a small group of people who will keep your information private and look out for your best interests if you need financial advice or help.

Family Issues

Families deal with their own unique problems and disagreements. This is just how relationships between family members work. When these problems come up, it’s natural to look for outside opinions or talk to someone outside of the family.

However, these kinds of statements can accidentally make things worse. Outsiders might not fully understand how the family works, which could lead to advice that doesn’t fit with the family’s values or wants. Talking about family issues can also lead to rumors and judgment from outsiders, which can make things worse and cause more rifts.

Rather, it’s often better to deal with these problems within the family, with a focus on open discussion and understanding. If your family needs outside help, professional family therapy will make sure that the advice is fair and fits your family’s unique situation.

Keeping family things private not only protects the family’s honor but also makes it safer to work out disagreements and strengthen bonds.

Your Future Goals and Dreams

Aspirations and dreams are very personal and often form the core of who we are and what we are trying to become. Even though these goals are strong, they can be affected by negative views and comments from others.

When you talk about your dreams too soon or with the wrong people, they might be questioned, laughed at, or discouraged. Skepticism from others, even if it’s not done on purpose, can plant doubt in your own mind, which could make you lose your resolve and focus. Openly talking about your goals may also lead to comparisons and unrealistic demands from other people, which can add extra pressure.

Withholding your dreams until they are strong enough to handle attention from others, you can grow and nurture them in a safe and self-directed space. It allows you to change and adapt your goals without being affected by criticism or comparison from other people.

Sharing your dreams with a small group of trusted people or teachers who can give you support and helpful feedback is one way to build a network that helps you grow instead of doubting yourself. Do not forget that achieving your goals is usually a personal trip that is best walked by reflecting, keeping things to yourself, and sharing strategically.

The Secret of Your Success

Like a fingerprint, success is the result of hard work, commitment, and a little luck. Everyone’s path to success is different, with different problems they’ve solved and methods they’ve used.

When you share the details of your success, especially the specific strategies or steps that worked for you, it might inadvertently create a blueprint that others may try to replicate. While sharing your journey can be inspiring and motivational, the intricacies of your process are best kept close to your chest.

This is not just about guarding trade secrets; it’s about acknowledging that each path to success is individual. Your methods, while effective for you, may not yield the same results for others, leading to potential frustration or the belief that you didn’t provide the ‘full story.’

Moreover, discussing the details of your success can sometimes lead to unintended consequences in professional and personal relationships. In competitive environments, revealing the strategies that give you an edge could level the playing field in a way that’s not beneficial to you.

Colleagues might use this information to their advantage, potentially at your expense. In personal relationships, sharing your successes in great detail can sometimes lead to jealousy or strained dynamics, especially if those close to you are struggling with their own goals. It’s a delicate balance between being an inspiration and unwittingly creating a sense of inadequacy or competition in others.

While it’s valuable and often encouraged to share the lessons you’ve learned and the values that have guided you, the nuanced strategies and decisions that propelled your individual success story are best shared selectively. This approach not only protects your unique path but also respects the individuality of others’ journeys towards their own versions of success.

Final Thoughts

Sharing and being open are good traits to have in a relationship, but privacy is very important. Knowing what to share and what to keep private can help you keep healthy limits and your own integrity, which can lead to relationships that are more satisfying and less stressful.



Kristi Makusha
Read or Die!

I write what you need, not what I want. I don't believe in niche writing. Having knowledge about everything is sexy. Top writer in Writing