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Giuseppe Bartoli
Read or Die!
Published in
Jun 13, 2024


I know I made my bed
because I sleep in it alone
despite a pillow and the left side
still smelling of you, but that
is what long distance means:
a life of leaving things for a tomorrow
you hope one day will come.
Like exchanging an xx for a kiss.

No one can make me feel the way you do
and that’s how I justify this lifestyle;
however, the sound of plane flying by
makes me shed a tear, as I think of you.
Maybe, it was writing your name on the sky:
letter by letter, air mile after air mile.



Giuseppe Bartoli
Read or Die!

American-Italian-Peruvian poet, ghostwriter, copywriter, politician, and journalist. Open for freelance jobs. Published 7 books; 7 more on the way.