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Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024

It’s a new week and I thought to remind you of your target. As you set out to do the week, remember a few things you were too busy to reflect on during the weekend.

Picture from my Laptop gallery

Setting goals makes you accountable and precise but achieving them makes you successful.

If you’re asking how to ignite your creative flow and aim at your goal, these 5 practical tips will give you immediate results. Numbers 3 and 4 are the hardest to keep up with.

1. Ignore criticism.

There is no useful criticism, no matter who’s talking. The assessment of another person, even if authoritative and competent, is only a subjective opinion not an objective one.

No one will appreciate your work better than you.

This is not instigating that advice, or opinions cannot be shared or aired, however, be willing and open to see only the lessons in every situation and improve on them.

2. Do only what gives you real pleasure.

It is often said that if you do a little more than you’re paid to do now, a time will come when you will be paid more to do less.

The moral of the story is, it is only pleasure that will consistently drive you to show up when there’s little or no pay to quantify your efforts. So, wherever you find yourself, either in passion or in purpose, discover the fun in what you do.

3. Think.

Everything is quite simple these days, but a modern person rarely consciously uses his/her brain. If you constantly think in the right direction, new thoughts will appear, leaving you surprised and asking why you didn’t think of it all the while.

The reason you’ve not gotten answers is that you’ve not been thinking enough.

4. Maintain course when faced with setbacks.

Sometimes after the start of an activity, the main charge of enthusiasm wears off making it seem like the chosen niche is not profitable. Just keep moving on and find your way around it.

Changing directions at the slightest setback or discomfort will leave you frustrated in the long run. Finish what you started!

5. Think of your goal as a long war.

People consider the achievement of their goal as a result, but it is a continuous process.

Do not picture your goal as a decisive battle, because it’s impossible to get what you want with one single effort. Try new methods or ideas!

A high jump is preceded by a run, but while standing, we often only see the height of the jump not the speed of the jumper.

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Cheers to growth!



Read or Die!

Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover