Give Yourself Permission…

To look out the window once in a while

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


Author’s image created with DALL-E of a tattoo she’s too afraid to get

If I were brave enough to get inked, I’d choose a tattoo of an open window right on the inside of my forearm. (Something like the picture above.)

It wouldn’t be just for the aesthetic or to show off some fancy metaphor at parties. It would act as a daily reminder to occasionally escape the stuffy attic of my mind and take a peek outside.

You see, I have this terrible habit of becoming a hermit within my own thoughts — like many of us probably do.

Life can often feel like an epic saga of survival, where every day is a dramatic episode that makes us forget there’s a world beyond our mental drama.

The tattoo would be my personal sticky note, a permanent nudge to step outside myself and discover the wonders that don’t exist in my head.

What Happened to Us?

When we were kids, we were like mini detectives with a knack for noticing everything. A simple stroll to the park was like a treasure hunt.

We’d spot armies of ants marching dutifully with snacks overhead, step on crunchy leaves just for the illicit thrill while cackling like villains, climb trees that seemed designed just for us, and giggle at clouds that looked suspiciously like our ugly cousins.



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.