Have you ever suffered from Coulrophobia?

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2023

I have.

scary clowns face. Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

Coulrophobia is the extreme or irrational fear of clowns.

A few years back there was a rash of people, men mostly, dressed in clown makeup and costumes, scaring people in the street. In one northern town, there were reports of clowns scaring people by staring at them through the windows of their homes.

As a child, I was quite disturbed by the clowns in circuses. I wasn’t all that keen on circuses come to that, but I was dragged along, so I had no choice.

But I found the clowns rather alarming, what with all the shouting, unexplained loud bangs and unreliable motor transport.

Clown phobia is a real problem for some people. A poster depicting a clown’s face, in a Bedfordshire town, had to be removed, as a woman complained she was too terrified to drive past it.

Now as an adult, I do not find clowns disturbing or scary. Nor do I find them remotely funny.

Mind you, I have never been too fond of Father Christmas. And mime artists, don’t get me going.

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