Have you Reviewed your Writing Goals for February 2024?

Emmanuel Afunwa
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024

And Make Resolutions on How to Progress

Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Ain’t you surprised that February has passed, you might have asked yourself, "What did I achieve in the month just ended?"
Well, before you condemn yourself, I’d like you to take full stock of the month and do a self-examination, that’s if you’ve not done so already. I’ve done so and wish to share my discovery with you maybe as consolation.
As the month was ending, I did a self-examination which for me is a monthly routine. It’s a simple process which we were taught in secondary school on how to assess the day, week, and month. At, the beginning of the month, sheets were handed out to us to log our daily, weekly, and monthly activities both in school and at home. The simple exercise was to examine yourself at the end of each day: What you have managed to achieve in various activities you were involved in for the entire day?
Then, you rounded up with these three questions:
What have I done well today?
What have I done badly today?
How can I be better tomorrow?
It’s just a few minutes but with lots to gain when done well and consistently. In those brief moments, you learn, unlearn, relearn and resolve to improve the next day.
If you do this regularly, you’ll discover that you have achieved plenty over time despite blips in some areas (don’t worry that’s why we are humans) you may begin to work on.
I did an assessment of February and discovered that I didn’t meet my set targets 100% for the month, but made some progress on my writing gigs. I got a client who paid me to write a business plan to be turned in by the second week in February. I also resolved to write daily with a system and publish more frequently in Medium publications which I wasn’t doing much before now.
Since the start of 2024, I’ve read many articles suggesting how to get ideas on writing for each day of the year using your daily encounters. Though I failed in some areas I’m not discouraged, I’d begin again. It’s a new month and I resolved to double my efforts for better results.
So, just like myself, I know you made some resolutions about your monthly writing, work, and other targets. If I should ask you, did you meet your targets for the past month?If your answer is no, in which areas were there shortfalls?
Don’t be discouraged, just go ahead and ask yourself the three questions above and make your resolutions for March, that’s if you’ve not done so already. Recalibrate and begin again. If you think that you’ve achieved nothing in the last two months, I can assure you that you’ve achieved how not to do some things again, which also is a major step in your success story.
In the past two months, I’ve tried to plan better my writing and shamelessly edit my work before pushing the send button. I’ve taken two courses on Udemy by Raja Shani, a former Wall Street Journal editor. The Secret Sauce for Writing and a Crash Course on Copywriting, were great lessons for me on how to write with simplicity, clarity, elegance and focus. I also learnt how to write for the audience by first discovering their pain points, and then meeting their needs with my writing.
My plan for March is to become a philanthropist with my writing - to give, give, give and enjoy that I’m giving but realise that my wealth is compounding if I’m able to do so for an appreciable length of time.
So, have you examined how you did last month (I don’t mean just your stats but also on yourself)?
Are you ready to be committed to the game and journey as a writer? Then come along, let’s walk together and hopefully, there will be lots for us to enjoy down the road if we are consistent with our actions.
If you find this useful let me read your comments.

See you next time.




Emmanuel Afunwa
Read or Die!

I'm a leadership enthusiast that can help you to improve your business,enhance your team's performance and increase profitability.I also love sharing ideas.