How can you inspire inspiration?

Serendipity: the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

barry robinson
Read or Die!
2 min readJun 24, 2023


man sitting at a ccomputer drinking coffee.Photo by Steve Ding on Unsplash

Inspiration. The thing most writers spend their lives looking for.

The really lucky ones find inspiration visits them. But most of us have to go looking for it. And, if my experience is anything to go by, it is often very elusive.

I am writing this for the very reason I am struggling to find inspiration. But if I really wanted to find some, there is plenty of help staring at me from fellow writers here on Medium.

For instance, there are the challenges set up by various people.

I am aware that many people take up these challenges and some of them write excellent articles. For some reason I do not feel I could match the standards set by Randy Pulley and Adrian CDTPPW

I was just about to scrap this article when suddenly serendipity struck.

I had just finished reading an article by R C Hammond about nothing.

He has written an article about writing about nothing: and it is a good one.

Now I cannot write about nothing. I am not in his league. But I thought I could write about the lack of something. So, I thought I would write about the lack of inspiration.

I enjoyed writing an article base on RC’S article about nothing.

Maybe I should take up these writing challenges.

